Vitamin C Dosing and Megadosing


Senior Member

I just wanted a view on how Vitamin C has helped people. There are people who are helped by large doses of this vitamin and there are those who are not.
I have also read that :A cancer-causing mechanism of hexavalent chromium may be triggered by vitamin C.
Reading things like this, I don't feel like going in for a megadose trial.

I know Vitamin C is not really useful in CFS and it might be a cofactor in many of the protocols,but if you have anything to share related to Vitamin C, please do.



I see Dr Rey @ Klimas and she has me on 2,000mg a day of Vit C (with CoQ10, Fish oil) they call it cell food. I am not sure what is doing but the protocol overall is helping me.


Fine, thank you
I'm currently on 2g vit C per day, not prescribed by anyone. I found it has prevented my getting burst blood vessels in my eyes when I sneeze hard - this used to happen to me all the time and I read that vit C strengthens the blood vessels and is recommended as a remedy for this.

During my first (7 years confined to bed) bout of ME, I was under the care of a doctor who wanted me to slowly increase my dose of Vit C until it gave me diarrhoea and then cut back but 10%, which led to my taking a dose of 45g (that's not a typo) per day. I was on that for quite some time - months at least - and it didn't do a thing.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
I myself find vitamin C helpful for the sniffy nose I wake up with that I sometimes get (allergy related I dust mite). 2g of Vitamin C in the morning seems to help to get rid of that symptom in my case

I also find Vit C helpful if Im coming down with a rare cold (I say rare as I rarely do get them) but I find that taking Vit C as soon as I start to get cold symptoms tends to stop further development. In that situation I usually take 2g morning and 2g night.

So one can say for me that I tend to take 2-4g per day when Im taking C (6g at the most if Ive gone to taking it 3 times daily due to catching flu/cold). I only usually take it for the above things.


Senior Member
Rich Vank says no more than 2 grams (2000 mg) of vitamin C for methylation purposes. In general, you would want to spread this out in several doses throughout the day, not all at once. Ben Lynch says no more than I think 500mg per dose (also for methylation purposes).

Yes, I read the same thing. Lynch says that more than 500mgs will interfere with methyl-b12.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Yes, I read the same thing. Lynch says that more than 500mgs will interfere with methyl-b12.

And Rich also used to say (this was a few years ago--2008--, I don't know if his opinion changed later) that bowel-tolerance doses would help augment glutathione levels.

The idea is that the lower dosages supply
antioxidant support without placing too large a demand on glutathione,
which is depleted in many cases of CFS, mid-range dosages place a
demand on glutathione for recycling vitamin C (according to Dr.
Cheney, and I think he's right), and bowel tolerance dosages are able
to raise the vitamin C concentrations sufficiently that vitamin C
recycles glutathione, rather than glutathione recycling vitamin C, as
is normal. This last argument is due to the late Dr. Robert Cathcart,
who published a paper about it, and who took bowel tolerance dosages
of vitamin C daily, from the time he was a teenager and developed
mononucleosis (glandular fever) and didn't recover from it, until his
death last year. This enabled him to live a normal life and to
practice medicine for many years. It is my belief that Dr. Cathcart's
body was not able to supply enough glutathione, and he maintained his
health by substituting once-through vitamin C to take care of much of
his antioxidant need. I was not able to convince him to measure his
glutathione levels, though, so this is an unproven hypothesis.




Senior Member
To possibly revive this thread. I just started taking about 3g of Ester C daily and am feeling very good. Got energy and mind is much more clear and mood much better. Is anyone else taking this type of C?
The Netherlands, Europe
I'd be careful with taking anti-oxydants in high doses. Anti-oxydants are supposed to protect us against cancer but latest research shows that anti-oxydants in high doses could promote cancer. There is nothing really against taking a high dose vitamin C for a few days to a couple of weeks, but I wouldn't take high doses for a long period.

High(er) doses of vitamin C can reduce ceruloplasmin oxidase activity ( ) which isn't necessarily a good thing.

400 - 500 mg a day (food + supplements combined) should be safe. And of course taken in smaller doses through the day.


Senior Member
Is it okay for people who have fatigue issues/possibly low daytime cortisol to take Vitamin C during the day? I see it frequently recommended in 'adrenal fatigue' regimes, but I always thought it lowered cortisol .. I can't find anything definitive on that, however.
I also find Vit C helpful if Im coming down with a rare cold (I say rare as I rarely do get them) but I find that taking Vit C as soon as I start to get cold symptoms tends to stop further development. In that situation I usually take 2g morning and 2g night.
Me too. Also helps my colds exactly the same way.

I had severe IBS-constipation through all my 20's and early 30's. Taking high vitamin C to bowel tolerance helped me survive. I did it under supervision of a naturopath. It worked better than magnesium or any laxative. Usually I'ed take inbetween 3 to 12 capsules of 500 mg per day depending on how lousy my bowel felt. I once took 18 * 500mg capsules! (9g)

I was told to always space them out. The body can not tolerate it all at once.

If high doses of that cause cancer then I should be dead by now because I used it from age 21 to 35 until I discovered other ways of improving IBS-C. Vitamin C helps raise killer cell activity which is low in us.

Ester-C in capsules is the best form. Regular vitamin C in high doses gives reflux and horrible stomach ache long term. (My dietician told me and I personally learned it from experience too.)