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    Created in 2008, Phoenix Rising is the largest and oldest forum dedicated to furthering the understanding of, and finding treatments for, complex chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, long COVID, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and allied diseases.

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This is a concise review of a supplement called vinpocetine which is derived from the periwinkle plant. The article is geared toward the scientifically trained reader but seems readable nonetheless. Vinpocetine is an inexpensive supplement with strong evidence of neuroprotective effects in cerebrovascular disease.

I have been taking it for six months with no side effects (10mg/3xday), since an abnormal brain MRI in March 2011. A lot of my worst cognitive symptoms improved (especially short-term memory) when I started taking it. I began b12 IM about the same time, so I can't completely credit it with anything. But based on the research, cost and safety profile, it's been in my supplement regimen.

Google scholar shows all the research. The recent PNAS paper into its inhibitory effects on NF-kB inflammation is especially interesting.
I know this is a few years back but do you still take this Kaffiend or is anyone else taking this or has taken it. I have just been prescribed this after Several Periventriculat Lesions were discovered on an MRI as well as my cognitive problems or perhaps someone can help and tell me what this means, I also have nocturnal seizures & diagnosis of epilepsy via EEG between temporal & parietal regions. I am in Bulgaria and although great at sending for tests they do not know of ME or CFS, My neurologists doesn't speak English and they are not into explaining in fact my neurologist just seems hell bent on blaming everything on undiagnosed epilepsy :(