vaccination trigger ?

Hi all , sorry for my english .

Does someone know if vaccinations can induce worsening of an ME/CFS as a red that it could be autoimmune an therefore "activated" by any immune system trigger .

I know some people who i suspect being ME/CFS having more troubles after a vaccination .

Thanks all .



Senior Member
My ME developed some months after a tetanus booster, but I don't know whether that really was the trigger. It's high on my list of suspects though.

I had the Pfizer vaccination a couple of weeks ago, and had no worsening of my ME.

I think that any immune system activation can trigger or worsen ME, but I don't know whether it's a common occurrence. As for stories about PWME getting worse after a vaccination, I think there's a bias about blaming the vaccine without any real evidence, or feeling worse because you expect to feel worse.

A more important question about vaccinations and ME: is the immune system activation from getting the infection more likely to cause ME worsening than the activation from the vaccine? There are also significant risks of chronic non-ME problems from Covid. We each have to judge the risks we face from either choice. I live isolated, so low risk of contracting Covid, but I got the vaccine anyway, since the government bases its restrictions on percentage of population vaccinated, and because I thought the risk of it worsening my ME was low.


Senior Member
@JMDlv My ME/CFS was triggered by an influenza vaccine. I have no doubt about this, as I experienced a mild shock within the 20 minute wait period after the vaccine, and then 2 days later I had acute Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS/Sepsis). Experiencing acute SIRS symptoms was truly frightening. I also know a colleague whose ME/CFS was greatly worsened by an influenza vaccine. Vaccines are known to trigger ME/CFS, but by no means as common as viral onset of the disease.

It is described that the 1934 Los Angeles County Hospital outbreak of ME/CFS involving 198 staff, at the time called atypical poliomyelitis, was a result of vaccination with serum of recovered polio patients. Two of the affected doctors sued the county and were awarded $2m each, worth about $40m today! The outcome of this lawsuit has led some to postulate that subsequent ME/CFS outbreaks which were labelled as hysteria were deliberate smear campaigns to avoid massive compensation claims for disability.

Most healthcare providers are dismissive of vaccine risk and illness claims because they say it isn't a live virus and cannot cause disease. However a vaccine is designed to trigger an immune response, it wouldn't work if it didn't, and for some unlucky few like me this can lead to an exaggerated immune response. Near the time of the vaccine I had been suffering quite severe symptoms of gastritis and dyspepsia, I suspect enterovirus or some prior infection was involved, and the vaccine must have just tipped me over the edge.

I'm not anti-vaccination. You only need go back 100 years to know how comparatively dangerous the world was before vaccinations and how many children died before reaching teenage years. However I think it's also important to know that while the risk is low, in a minority of cases especially if a concurrent illness is occurring, that vaccinations can lead to undesirable outcomes. With respect to Covid vaccination, I admit I am anxious to get it, but on balance it seems it is considerably less risky for me than it would be getting a Covid infection!


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Does someone know if vaccinations can induce worsening of an ME/CFS

Hi @JMDlv -- Vaccinations (of all kinds) can indeed induce worsening of ME/CFS, as well as causing it to begin with. They can also cause of host of other problems, including death. It's been well documented on a major tinnitus forum that the COVID-19 vaccine has both caused severe tinnitus and exacerbated already existing tinnitus. Tinnitus by the way has a strong brain component, as well as having a lot of overlap with ME/CFS.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
With respect to Covid vaccination, I admit I am anxious to get it, but on balance it seems it is considerably less risky for me than it would be getting a Covid infection!

Hi @WantedAlive -- Thanks for your story and your post. My own take is that if a person makes sure their nutritional status is adequate--especially Vitamin D & zinc--that dramatically reduces the likelihood that a COVID infection would be serious. IMHO, If a person is armed with extra liposomal vitamin C, and uses nebulized hydrogen peroxide in case of contracting the virus, the odds of a serious case of COVID approaches zero.


Senior Member
It's been well documented on a major tinnitus forum that the COVID-19 vaccine has both caused severe tinnitus and exacerbated already existing tinnitus.

It hasn't changed my tinnitus. Why couldn't they develop a vaccine whose side-effect is making tinnitus go away? :grumpy:


Senior Member
IMHO, If a person is armed with extra liposomal vitamin C, and uses nebulized hydrogen peroxide in case of contracting the virus, the odds of a serious case of COVID approaches zero.

To me that sounds a lot like the belief that 'you can't get pregnant the first time you have sex' (meaning: no supporting data). Extra VitC might reduce the probability of a severe illness, but it doesn't reduce it to zero. I'm sure there are plenty of people who take VitC several times a day, plus all sorts of other supplements and 'immune system strengtheners' and still get frequent viral infections.

I just googled 'nasal antiseptic effectiveness'. I found these quotes interesting:

"However, people would likely have to walk around with an antiseptic swab up their nose at all times to prevent COVID-19. “There is some evidence that you could swab your nose with BKC or other antiseptics and that they can last in the nasal mucosa eight to 12 hours," Seidman says. "So you could argue swabbing or spraying your nose every eight hours, but the data frankly just doesn’t exist."

“Remember that there are beneficial microbes living in our nasal cavity and we don't want to kill all of these off,” Roess says. “I do worry that there is a lot of hype and misinformation out there and that people may end up hurting themselves—especially if they put homemade concoctions in their nasal cavities."


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I just googled 'nasal antiseptic effectiveness'. I found these quotes interesting:

Why not google the results of health care practitioners who are sucessfully using this therapy to treat COVID-19? Quoting those who have nothing but disdain for anything that is not mainstream medicine is one of the easiest things a person can do. Looking for useful information on effective, inexpensive therapies is much more difficult, especially since censorship of such information has flourished even more so since the beginning of the pandemic. -- BTW, the supporting data is there; mainstream medicine and mainstream press just doesn't want to see it or cover it. It goes against their business model(s).
Zero risk doesnt exists , between vaccin and infection :
the more u are aged , the more the risk grows in favor of the virus danger , the less u are aged , the more grows the vaccin danger i think .
That s what i say : ur over 60 ? get vaccined ! ur under 40 ? dont be ! ( add 20 if risk factors )
ur between like me and no risk factor ? hummm ask me in 10 years (or more ^^) i ll respond u ;p


Senior Member
Why not google the results of health care practitioners who are sucessfully using this therapy to treat COVID-19?

That sort of result didn't show up on my searches. I did find several studies testing the effectiveness of blocking Covid in the nose, but the results aren't available yet. The one about camel proteins is interesting.

I'm sure there are anecdotal reports of nasal sprays blocking Covid, but those aren't properly-run studies. If they were, they'd be big news.