Urine and Saliva PH


Senior Member
Not sure if anyone has spoke of this but my urine PH is normal to somewhat acidic but my saliva PH is extremely alkaline all of the time. Even days after taking digestive enzymes and then starting fresh my saliva PH does not change. According to some internet sources this means a lack of digestive enzymes, leaving an alkaline environment in the upper gut. Has anyone else checked their urine AND saliva PH?
Winfield, Illinois
xks201 - do you do something like this "How to Do the Saliva pH Test

Wait at least 2 hours after eating. Fill your mouth with saliva and then swallow it. Do this again to help ensure that the saliva is clean. Then the third time, put some saliva onto pH paper.

The pH paper should turn blue. This indicates that your saliva is slightly alkaline at a healthy pH of 7.4. If it is not blue, compare the color with the chart that comes with the pH paper. If your saliva is acid (below pH of 7.0) wait two hours and repeat the test."

I'm curious about how this is done