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Upcoming FDA webinar on participating in clinical trials (not ME specific)


Senior Member
In case you are interested (I have broken this into more readable chunks):

"Webinar: Get to Know ClinicalTrials.GOVDate: Tuesday September 29, 2015, 11:00 am to 12:00 pm ET

Have you ever thought about participating in a clinical trial? Or know someone else who is considering a clinical trial? If so, we can help!

This webinar will explain what you can expect to find on ClinicalTrials.gov and show you how to find clinical trials that may interest you.

The webinar will use Sickle Cell Disease, a chronic, inherited blood disorder, as an example.

Rebecca Williams, Assistant Director of ClinicalTrials.gov
Presented by:
FDA Office of Minority Health

The webinar will include a Q&A at the end. Rebecca Williams and Dr. Jonca Bull, Assistant Commissioner of the FDA Office of Minority Health will be on hand to take questions.

You will need to register for this free webinar by Friday September 25, 2015.
After registering you will receive the webinar link.

You can direct questions about the webinar to Sydnee Logan or call (240) 402-6998."


(Time given is east coast US.)