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Unum Class Action Lawsuits


FYI: It looks like there are some class actions brewing against Unum. (again)

Unum Provident Denied Disability Claims
Unum (formerly known as Unum Provident and First Unum) has systematically denied Unum disability insurance to thousands of policy holders in the past two decades. Unum and its subsidiaries, including Provident Life, The Paul Revere Life Insurance Company and Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company have been subject to numerous lawsuits for illegally refusing to pay valid disability claims.

There are links to get your case evaluated.

In addition, it was reported last month that in 2014 Unum's employees in the Chattanooga office volunteered 23,000 hours of time and in the Worcester office volunteered 8,603 hours of time. The company also reported over $3 million in charitable donations.
FYI: It looks like there are some class actions brewing against Unum. (again). ....

Good! Unum is like a giant poisonous spider with web strands reaching into every part of world. Their previous millions of dollars worth of fines don't seem to have slowed them down; they arrogantly behave as if they're above the law. And that's no surprise given how they've embedded themselves into governments.

I've been watching them ever since I began learning about their influence on the U.K. government's disability assistance programs, and their 2004 establishment of the ‘Centre for Psychosocial and Disability Research’ at Cardiff University. Ugh.

Here's one good overview article; I like that it cites reputable sources & links to them so that you can read the originals: http://voxpoliticalonline.com/2015/...e-insurance-on-uk-welfare-reforms-mo-stewart/


Senior Member
Somewhere near Glasgow, Scotland
the execs should have been executed for mass murder for previous crimes 15 odd years ago
"Hungry vulture award" proves they knew their crime would lead to death but they of course evaded it, because corporations have "hunting licences" to kill as many folk as they want, as long as they keep bribing politicians, oh sorry "funding political parties and providing extremely lucrative jobs to politicians who have helped them while in office and maybe need to turn up at quarterly meetings for $100,000 a year or more"


Senior Member
Somewhere near Glasgow, Scotland
UNUM's execs should have been jailed or executed for mass murder for their "Hungry Vulture" fraud
and that's who's working with the British DWP to defraud the disabled out of welfare we need to live

We didn't do a good enough job on such vermin at the end of WW2, we should have shipped all the actual Nazi bastards who committed and supported atrocities, and most importantly their business backers and supporters, along with the tends of thousands of Japanese troops who indulged in mass rape and sadism of the most horrific kind in again a drive to get rich by their masters ("Asian CoProsperity Sphere" they called it, ha! Same as the Nazi "Lebensraum")
take 'em all out to Bikini Atoll and detonate the third nuke over their evil heads
Would have got rid of three problems at the same time

But no, so that kind of crap "infected" our nations :(


Senior Member
Somewhere near Glasgow, Scotland
Problem with these bastards is, no PERSON is ever found CRIMINALLY responsible and jailed
so, they always say "Oh we will change our ways!"...and get back to the crap soon afterwards

part of why I want all corporations made *illegal* across the world, no one should ever be beyond the reach of the law and responsibility like that.
All it really ends up becoming is about putting layers of crap between the execs and being exposed and held personally responsible.

I wish I'd kept the link or item years ago I read where a judge or prosecutor went absolutely hardcore on UNUM and said he/she wanted them prosecuted for murder
which, is what they should have been charged with