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Universal RNA interference (RNAi) vaccine effective against all strains of a virus


Senior Member
Universal vaccine may be effective against any variant of any virus

Scientists at the University of California, Riverside (UCR) has recently developed a revolutionary RNA-based strategy for a universal vaccine capable of combating any virus strain effectively and safely – even in infants and the immunocompromised.

Traditionally, vaccines are designed to anticipate the most prevalent strains of viruses like influenza and COVID-19, which requires yearly updates and reformulations. However, this new RNA-based vaccine eliminates the need for multiple versions by targeting a common component of the viral genome across all strains.

Unlike traditional vaccines that often contain a dead or weakened virus to trigger an immune response, this novel vaccine utilizes a live, modified virus. The significant difference, however, is that it does not depend on the usual immune system response involving T-cells and “memory” B-cells.

Instead, the vaccine employs small, silencing RNA molecules, making it suitable for use in individuals with compromised or underdeveloped immune systems, such as babies or those with immunocompromising conditions.

Moreover, the vaccine’s potential delivery via a nasal spray could address common aversions to needles, offering a more palatable alternative for many.

Study: Live-attenuated virus vaccine defective in RNAi suppression induces rapid protection in neonatal and adult mice lacking mature B and T cells

Florida Guy

Senior Member
It sounds very advanced but I still remember the not so good covid "vaccine" which was an rna concoction too. I will wait quite some time before taking this if I ever do. That was my policy toward the shot they all pushed on us a few years ago and I'm very glad I didn't take it.

This may be something good, time will tell. A lot of people don't trust doctors so much anymore, for good reasons


Senior Member
I am wondering whether this RNAi technology could be use to make a universal vaccine to target all enterovirus serotypes, including the coxsackievirus B and echovirus serotypes which are linked to ME/CFS.

Such a vaccine could dramatically reduce the incidence of ME/CFS, as well as reduce or eliminate other diseases linked to enterovirus, such as type 1 diabetes, heart disease, heart valve disease, the motor neuron disease ALS, Parkinson's, and others.

Also, maybe such a vaccine could be beneficial for people who already have theses diseases.

Florida Guy

Senior Member
Yeah, it has a lot of promise but when you start fooling around with the rna not knowing what you are doing, good things or terrible things can happen. Doctors and researchers don't know what they are doing, not really. They are learning as they go and occasionally make huge mistakes. To this day, they are covering up the disasterous effects of the covid shot. Lots of evidence has come out but the cdc still says take the shot and the boosters. Thats as bad advice as telling a pwme to do more exercise and just push through and you will get better

I'm not against advances and new discoveries, far from it. We need new discoveries to create treatments. Its just that when they rush things out, many hidden problems emerge perhaps years later. Asbestos was used in my school, it was used everywhere. All the top experts said it was perfectly safe, you could even eat it. But it was not safe at all. The fda quietly withdraws drugs from the market all the time. Why, because nasty side effects came out and could not be swept under the carpet like with aspartame and other toxic chems they allow in our food. If people are actually dying, they eventually do something. Hell of a watch dog huh?

This may be fine, it may be better than fine, might help a lot of use to recover, possibly? I will wait for more trials, I will wait until after its released to see the vaers reports. If it works, great, but I'm not going to be the guinea pig on this one. I usually gather reports on new things for months or years before deciding


Senior Member
Yeah, it has a lot of promise but when you start fooling around with the rna not knowing what you are doing, good things or terrible things can happen. Doctors and researchers don't know what they are doing, not really. They are learning as they go and occasionally make huge mistakes. To this day, they are covering up the disasterous effects of the covid shot. Lots of evidence has come out but the cdc still says take the shot and the boosters. Thats as bad advice as telling a pwme to do more exercise and just push through and you will get better

I'm not against advances and new discoveries, far from it. We need new discoveries to create treatments. Its just that when they rush things out, many hidden problems emerge perhaps years later. Asbestos was used in my school, it was used everywhere. All the top experts said it was perfectly safe, you could even eat it. But it was not safe at all. The fda quietly withdraws drugs from the market all the time. Why, because nasty side effects came out and could not be swept under the carpet like with aspartame and other toxic chems they allow in our food. If people are actually dying, they eventually do something. Hell of a watch dog huh?

This may be fine, it may be better than fine, might help a lot of use to recover, possibly? I will wait for more trials, I will wait until after its released to see the vaers reports. If it works, great, but I'm not going to be the guinea pig on this one. I usually gather reports on new things for months or years before deciding
You are confusing the accidental with the intentional. Some of us knew about the huge and increasing problems with vaccines in general for 20 years pre covid shots. There was the heavy metal preservatives in the vaccine shots from way before covid- lead, mercury, cadmium that took decades of lawsuits for them to say they removed them but no proof, to the SV40 infections coming from the vaccines being grown on monkey kidneys (US government admitted but sought no cure/treatment), to the rise of SIDS, sudden infant death syndrome, bleeding in an infant's brain post vaccination- which was originally blamed on parents. You dont make nearly 100% mistakes accidentally. Your authority figures just hate you.
There was XMRV, a retrovirus one research company was finding in 95% of chronically people, until the establishment refused to do things the way the research company did them and just kept screaming "its contamination!". To this day, the hardest Ive herxed was off of isentress i took for XMRV. Obviously not a cure, but i suspect chronically ill ppl have 5-10 chronic, antibiotic resistant, infections, which is why theres no silver bullet. And there not going to be a cure for anything provided the establishment stays in power. The medical establishment has never "guessed right" about what species of the flu will come out the following summer, (they make the shots 6 months in advance) so what good is even the flu shot? other than a bunch of SIDE EFFECTS. Ive had four nice old ladies talk to me about how they got nerve damage after taking the flu shot. I didnt even say anything to them about vaccines.


Senior Member
We can't blame everything on vaccines. What about the positives of them?

The answer is simple.....if you don't want one, don't get it. But, please, wear your mask. Yours, Lenora