So I have been taking L-Tyrosine, 500 mg per day. I actually saw it on the Dr. Oz show (of all places), and figured, if it can give normal people energy, it might give me energy. From what I gather, 500 mg is a moderately low dose. I have searched "tyrosine" on this site, and found some people that said they take it or it helps, but it didn't seem like anyone's experience was as good as mine.
Before the Tyrosine, I was doing better with my CFS than at some points since this whole thing began (sudden and drastic onset).....but I am still very disabled by it.
But Tyrosine has honestly helped my energy and ability to do things more than any pill or supplement I've ever taken. What does this mean? That is my real question. Was I just deficient in that amino acid, or does this lead to the conclusion that I had some kind of hormone deficiency, etc, since Tyrosine supposedly supports endocrine function? (I have had hormones checked out, but nothing like T3, T4, etc, ever seemed to help, and no labs were ever remarkably off).
Basically, I take it on an empty stomach, and it gives me the strength to go do things. It is like the energy boost from strong coffee, without the jitteryness.
You would be amazed at what I'm actually doing. Before, I was well enough to maybe take a mile walk with my husband, but I'd crash quickly, even during the walk, and start getting irritable and weak and snippy with people as I spiraled downward. Getting out of bed everyday is a struggle for me, but I was technically well enough to force myself to do things a couple times a week, even though it didn't feel good at all (it was torture). Now, I leave the house for a walk, and I feel great, like I have energy to burn.
I feel more alive too with my personality. The only thing is that sometimes I will feel more combative, or I will "snap" if someone says something that makes me mad, but I try to use self-control to deal with it, in exchange for the energy. I am thinking I'll maybe add L-Theanine to what I'm doing, to see if that helps the occasional anger/impatience.
I have really been getting away from trying to treat the exact "causes" like viruses, bacteria, mold, parasites, etc etc etc......and just researching things that help the symptoms. I have spent WAY too much time trying to treat causes, and it has only gotten me so far. So I made the decision to move on, and just try to help myself get a bit of energy for exercising, which, while not fun or easy, might slowly increase my overall health (stronger muscles helps POTS, exercise helps immunity, etc).
So that philosophy is what pushed me to find Tyrosine. Then I also found NOW brand DMAE, with the help of this site. That does seem to help my concentration somewhat. Now I am thinking of adding Theanine to make it a trifecta. I am recommending NOW brand because I have found that their supplements actually work (so if something doesn't help, I know it's not the brand), they are cheap, and normally it's just the main ingredient, without other added stuff. I buy them all from I am not affiliated with any of this!!!! Just trying to help.
I have also been drinking about 6 6oz cups of strongly brewed coffee daily. I know some of us can't tolerate coffee, but it helps me, so I'm not letting people who say it's bad scare me off from using what helps. It does help the blood vessels constrict.
I started out as someone incredibly ill with CFS, so ill I couldn't have been on this site. I was only awake for about 6 hours in a 24 hour period some days. So I hope people will see this as a positive post. It has taken me 10 years to get here. I would say I'm now at about 30-50% of my old self. Sometimes I can push through a day like a wedding and seem to be about 80% to people.
The other thing I'm doing is using a sleep apnea machine (CPAP), even though my apnea was right on the mild/moderate border. I do feel that has helped my stamina a little, and the dark circles under my eyes aren't quite as bad, because of the machine.
My remaining symptoms: extremely hard for me to get up in the mornings on my own (turn off alarm and go back to sleep), I am tired during the day, feel like my eyes don't always focus well, but the pills and coffee help...., I get really stressed and overwhelmed when people expect anything of me (so that is one reason I don't work from home on the computer for a few hours), I stay up late and have a messed up sleep schedule that I can't seem to control
Any input is greatly appreciated! This post was meant to let everyone know what is helping, but also to see what you guys think this actually MEANS, for what could be the cause of my fatigue. I would like input! Thanks. Also, I won't be looking into XMRV until I feel more positive it's a solution, because in the last 10 years I've followed too many of those elusive infections.
PS--- The other things I've noticed about the Tyrosine, is that I seem to be loosing body fat (I was normal weight before, but could stand to loose 15 lbs for optimal weight/health/appearance), and my legs, arms, stomach seem to be more muscular (I am female). It is sooooo strange. I feel like I'm on some kind of performance-enhancing drug, haha. I don't know if it's just the little bit of jogging I've been doing, or if it's the Tyrosine. I think it's the pill. I swear that this stuff seems like the benefits of adderall without the burned out feeling afterwards.
Before the Tyrosine, I was doing better with my CFS than at some points since this whole thing began (sudden and drastic onset).....but I am still very disabled by it.
But Tyrosine has honestly helped my energy and ability to do things more than any pill or supplement I've ever taken. What does this mean? That is my real question. Was I just deficient in that amino acid, or does this lead to the conclusion that I had some kind of hormone deficiency, etc, since Tyrosine supposedly supports endocrine function? (I have had hormones checked out, but nothing like T3, T4, etc, ever seemed to help, and no labs were ever remarkably off).
Basically, I take it on an empty stomach, and it gives me the strength to go do things. It is like the energy boost from strong coffee, without the jitteryness.
You would be amazed at what I'm actually doing. Before, I was well enough to maybe take a mile walk with my husband, but I'd crash quickly, even during the walk, and start getting irritable and weak and snippy with people as I spiraled downward. Getting out of bed everyday is a struggle for me, but I was technically well enough to force myself to do things a couple times a week, even though it didn't feel good at all (it was torture). Now, I leave the house for a walk, and I feel great, like I have energy to burn.
I feel more alive too with my personality. The only thing is that sometimes I will feel more combative, or I will "snap" if someone says something that makes me mad, but I try to use self-control to deal with it, in exchange for the energy. I am thinking I'll maybe add L-Theanine to what I'm doing, to see if that helps the occasional anger/impatience.
I have really been getting away from trying to treat the exact "causes" like viruses, bacteria, mold, parasites, etc etc etc......and just researching things that help the symptoms. I have spent WAY too much time trying to treat causes, and it has only gotten me so far. So I made the decision to move on, and just try to help myself get a bit of energy for exercising, which, while not fun or easy, might slowly increase my overall health (stronger muscles helps POTS, exercise helps immunity, etc).
So that philosophy is what pushed me to find Tyrosine. Then I also found NOW brand DMAE, with the help of this site. That does seem to help my concentration somewhat. Now I am thinking of adding Theanine to make it a trifecta. I am recommending NOW brand because I have found that their supplements actually work (so if something doesn't help, I know it's not the brand), they are cheap, and normally it's just the main ingredient, without other added stuff. I buy them all from I am not affiliated with any of this!!!! Just trying to help.
I have also been drinking about 6 6oz cups of strongly brewed coffee daily. I know some of us can't tolerate coffee, but it helps me, so I'm not letting people who say it's bad scare me off from using what helps. It does help the blood vessels constrict.
I started out as someone incredibly ill with CFS, so ill I couldn't have been on this site. I was only awake for about 6 hours in a 24 hour period some days. So I hope people will see this as a positive post. It has taken me 10 years to get here. I would say I'm now at about 30-50% of my old self. Sometimes I can push through a day like a wedding and seem to be about 80% to people.
The other thing I'm doing is using a sleep apnea machine (CPAP), even though my apnea was right on the mild/moderate border. I do feel that has helped my stamina a little, and the dark circles under my eyes aren't quite as bad, because of the machine.
My remaining symptoms: extremely hard for me to get up in the mornings on my own (turn off alarm and go back to sleep), I am tired during the day, feel like my eyes don't always focus well, but the pills and coffee help...., I get really stressed and overwhelmed when people expect anything of me (so that is one reason I don't work from home on the computer for a few hours), I stay up late and have a messed up sleep schedule that I can't seem to control
Any input is greatly appreciated! This post was meant to let everyone know what is helping, but also to see what you guys think this actually MEANS, for what could be the cause of my fatigue. I would like input! Thanks. Also, I won't be looking into XMRV until I feel more positive it's a solution, because in the last 10 years I've followed too many of those elusive infections.
PS--- The other things I've noticed about the Tyrosine, is that I seem to be loosing body fat (I was normal weight before, but could stand to loose 15 lbs for optimal weight/health/appearance), and my legs, arms, stomach seem to be more muscular (I am female). It is sooooo strange. I feel like I'm on some kind of performance-enhancing drug, haha. I don't know if it's just the little bit of jogging I've been doing, or if it's the Tyrosine. I think it's the pill. I swear that this stuff seems like the benefits of adderall without the burned out feeling afterwards.