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Senior Member
East Sussex

When it comes to putting on lean muscle mass and building strength, how good is turkesterone? Here’s what research tells us about its potential benefits:

1. May Help You Put on Muscle Mass
There’s evidence that turkesterone can help increase muscle growth and one’s muscle-to-fat ratio, thereby improving body composition. It may also have some anti-obesity and metabolic-boosting effects, according to certain animal studies.

It seems to do this by lowering lipid absorption, possibly shifting glucose metabolism and fighting insulin resistance, and supporting muscle synthesis in several ways, such as by boosting uptake of the amino acid leucine in muscle cells.

2. May Enhance Exercise Performance
Ecdysteroids can increase ATP synthesis, which helps power muscles, improve endurance and prevent feelings of fatigue. This can translate to more intense workouts and help with building strength and stamina.

There’s lots of anecdotal evidence from users of edystreoids that they help improve one’s ability to lift more and recovery more easily after tough workouts.

3. Can Assist in Muscle/Exercise Recovery
Studies show that turkesterone can help repair muscle fibers that have been broken down after exercise and increase glycogen concentrations in muscles, which can help remove lactic acid and support workout recovery. Additionally, it’s thought to help maintain a positive nitrogen balance, which facilitates muscle growth.

4. Has Adaptogenic (Stress-Fighting) Effects
Turkesterone is considered an adaptogen, much like ashwagandha or rhodiola. It supports mental health by helping the body cope with stress and fatigue.

Some find that it improves sleep and reduces anxiety, brain fog, feelings of “burnout” and low motivation, which can be a symptom of depression.

Mechanisms of action are thought to include its ability to support neurotransmitter production and assist in gut health, which helps promote a healthy “gut-brain connection.”

It may also help fight inflammation, boost antioxidant status, and improve digestion and immune function, as immunity is compromised when someone is under a lot of stressed and fatigued. Additionally, some evidence suggests it has some hepatoprotective and cardioprotective effects, meaning it supports liver and heart health in part by lowering cholesterol and blood glucose levels.


Senior Member
I wondered if this was a pun on today's news item about Turkey threatening Greece. :)

Wiki says turkesterone doesn't have steroidal effects, so I'm guessing that the marketing claims are just ouright misleading. "Steroids all work the same, right?" The claims use a lot of "may" and "can (maybe, kinda, it's not totally impossible...)". As for "studies show", well, we all know how misleading some studies are, especially when there's a financial incentive involved.