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Tuller, Hornig and Putrino: Functional neurological disorder is not an appropriate diagnosis for people with long Covid


Senior Member

Functional neurological disorder is not an appropriate diagnosis for people with long Covid​

By David Tuller, Mady Hornig, and David PutrinoJuly 15, 2024


Long Covid — the name adopted for cases of prolonged symptoms after an acute bout of Covid-19 — is an umbrella diagnosis covering a broad range of clinical presentations and abnormal biological processes. Researchers haven’t yet identified a single or defining cause for some of the most debilitating symptoms associated with long Covid, which parallel those routinely seen in other post-acute infection syndromes. These include overwhelming fatigue, post-exertional malaise, cognitive deficits (often referred to as brain fog), and extreme dizziness.

Given the current gaps in knowledge, some neurologists, psychiatrists, and other clinicians in the United States, United Kingdom, and elsewhere have suggested that an existing diagnosis known as functional neurological disorder (FND) could offer the best explanation for many cases of this devastating illness.


The good news is patients don't die the bad news..
I don't think FND is an appropriate diagnosis for anyone. As far as I can tell, it's a vague diagnosis that can't be proven or disproven, so is ripe for misuse.
That is a feature, not a bug.


Senior Member
Its their latest "theory" for hysteria, conversion disorder, BPS. The science catches up with their nonsense eventually and finds that the people labelled have real biological things wrong with them and the whole grifting industry has to move to another name to enact its prejudice against chronically ill people. It always results in the same thing fundamental theory, you have a thinking/software problem and you need psychology guided exercise therapy and we know just how to fix people, while leaving a trail of ruined lives and actual bodies behind.