Some background: I've been trying a methylation protocol for a couple of months but eventually had to stop. It went pretty good initially but experienced more and more side effects like tied to stomach issues but primarly severe shortness of breath, I really believe I need to fix my gut/stomach problems before I even attempt with methylation again (as recommended by Yasko) and thats what I'm trying to do now. I've had increasing problems like IBS/diarreha/bloating/indigestion/alcohol intolerance and a myriad of other stuff through the past 3-4 years but never took any real action on it.
Recently found out from my 23andMe results that ALL my 3 FUT2 gene variants is homozygous (which is tied to abnormal gutflora). Also I have a lot of defects which recommended higher fiber intake. I figured that I really need to try probiotics and maybe prebiotics. I've done this in the past (Jarrow EPS) but had to stop from all the side effects. I was not aware of the herx reaction back then.
Prior to starting my probiotics, I took 1 month of natural anti-fungals (Candida support by NOW and Candex) as many of my current symptoms would indicate possibly fungus-infection. Also did the spit-test which was positive everytime (even this might not be very valid). I experienced severe "die-off" after 1,5 weeks which put me into a pretty bad flu with a lot of other side effects. I held through and when it started to lift I felt WAY better. Eventually got scared and had to stop the supplements because of severe pain in what I believe was the kidneys (might stressed to hard). Doing some tests for this now.
Now I've taken probiotics for almost 3 weeks, this is the brand I'm using (, contains Saccharomyces Boulardii which is said to help with yeast overgrowth too.
It went good the first 2 weeks but now I'm experiencing depressive episodes, I have nearly no energy, no social interest at all. Just feeling a bit "down" with increasingly negative thought patterns. There is also a lot of sounds coming from stomach/gut, discomfort, slight pain sometimes and my bowel movements are very slow/slight constipation. I believe this could be the good bacteria fighting the bad? I take Chlorella every day which seems to alliavte some of the constipation.
I need guidance on what to do as I've backed off once before when I did the probiotics, I actually dont wanna do that. I read a lot that this might be herx-reaction and that I should push-through for the good bacteria to populate again. Could this be it?
I can post more of my genetics if anyone wants to take a look for that btw, or anything else
Recently found out from my 23andMe results that ALL my 3 FUT2 gene variants is homozygous (which is tied to abnormal gutflora). Also I have a lot of defects which recommended higher fiber intake. I figured that I really need to try probiotics and maybe prebiotics. I've done this in the past (Jarrow EPS) but had to stop from all the side effects. I was not aware of the herx reaction back then.
Prior to starting my probiotics, I took 1 month of natural anti-fungals (Candida support by NOW and Candex) as many of my current symptoms would indicate possibly fungus-infection. Also did the spit-test which was positive everytime (even this might not be very valid). I experienced severe "die-off" after 1,5 weeks which put me into a pretty bad flu with a lot of other side effects. I held through and when it started to lift I felt WAY better. Eventually got scared and had to stop the supplements because of severe pain in what I believe was the kidneys (might stressed to hard). Doing some tests for this now.
Now I've taken probiotics for almost 3 weeks, this is the brand I'm using (, contains Saccharomyces Boulardii which is said to help with yeast overgrowth too.
It went good the first 2 weeks but now I'm experiencing depressive episodes, I have nearly no energy, no social interest at all. Just feeling a bit "down" with increasingly negative thought patterns. There is also a lot of sounds coming from stomach/gut, discomfort, slight pain sometimes and my bowel movements are very slow/slight constipation. I believe this could be the good bacteria fighting the bad? I take Chlorella every day which seems to alliavte some of the constipation.
I need guidance on what to do as I've backed off once before when I did the probiotics, I actually dont wanna do that. I read a lot that this might be herx-reaction and that I should push-through for the good bacteria to populate again. Could this be it?
I can post more of my genetics if anyone wants to take a look for that btw, or anything else