• Welcome to Phoenix Rising!

    Created in 2008, Phoenix Rising is the largest and oldest forum dedicated to furthering the understanding of, and finding treatments for, complex chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, long COVID, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and allied diseases.

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treatment outcomes survey?


Senior Member
Just a thought. Is it possible that Phoenix rising could send out an email to anyone who is still a member or who was once a member, asking them do they consider themselves cured or say at least 90% cured now. And what exactly do they attribute their success to. Apologies if this is a daft suggestion.


Senior Member
It's an interesting idea, though might fall foul of European GDPR privacy laws.


Senior Member
South east England
I think it's a great idea @ruben but the website would almost certainly be breaching the UKs Data Protection Act. But a member could do it as there is nothing to prevent one member contacting others. Could be a bit of a long job though!!


Senior Member
What about a simple medication-Poll, where most widely used meds for ME/CFS (like those who are described here on PR) are listened and patients can vote for ONLY one (or two) they think has helped them most(all in all) ?


Senior Member
What about a simple medication-Poll, where most widely used meds for ME/CFS (like those who are described here on PR) are listened and patients can vote for ONLY one (or two) they think has helped them most(all in all) ?

That's actually something I have been working on (using Google Forms): an external poll which covers all the major treatments used by ME/CFS doctors and patients, and asks people how much improvement these treatments made for them.

I like to quantify improvements by the number of levels than patients move up on the scale ME/CFS scale of: very severe, severe, moderate, mild, remission. Even if you move up just one level (eg, from severe to moderate), that is a major improvement which has a big and welcome impact on your life.

A smaller version of this poll can be found here; you can see that Valcyte came out very well in this poll, moving 50% of patients up by one level on the scale.