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Treatment for sugar intolerance!

Hi everyone,

Just thought I would share something strange that I discovered by chance and would be interested to hear if this works for anyone else? Ever since I've had ME I've had a very strange to reaction to sugar - i would without fail develop flu-like symptoms about 12 hours after eating it. However, if I take omega 3's this doesn't happen - I have tested , re-tested and re-tested again this theory and it works without fail for me. On the downside I have put on a stone :(
So I know we probably shouldn't eat sugary food as it has no nutritional benefits and all the rest but if you want an occasional treat then give it a go! In terms of the source of omega 3 I don't think it matters - I've used capsules and then chia seeds and they have both had the same effect.

Gem x

(please don't blame me if you put on weight!!!)


Senior Member
Well, nice that you had your success on that, I found Chromium especially beneficial for blood sugar regulation, it's an important part of glucose tolerance factor and often lacking in our diet, so you might have a look into that aswell.

As for the stone, hope it's not painful, I've no idea though if there's a way to get it dissolved


Senior Member
West Coast USA
Well, nice that you had your success on that, I found Chromium especially beneficial for blood sugar regulation, it's an important part of glucose tolerance factor and often lacking in our diet, so you might have a look into that aswell.

How much chromium do you take each day, and what specifically did you notice in terms of benefit. I'm wildly hypoglycemic for the past 18 months. Even hummus, carrots or snap peas will induce a sugar low after eating them, sometimes within a half hour. I've just ordered chromium 200 mcg but am not sure how much to take and how long it might take to see any improvement in glucose metabolism.


perchance dreamer

Senior Member
Sparrowhawk, do you get the hypoglycemic effects from things like hummus, carrots, and snaps even if you eat protein first? I find I really do have to eat protein with every meal and snack to keep my blood sugar stable.

I know hummus has protein, but I think the carbs far outweigh the protein.


Senior Member
West Coast USA
Yep thanks perchance dreamer I've tried all sorts of food combining, and it doesn't matter -- if I have anything that breaks down into sugars, I'm in trouble within half hour to an hour and a half. I describe it as a "mini-crash"...not the full on anxiety of a full hypoglycemic episode as with the last time I tried to eat a half a sweet potato. I was lying on a sidewalk in public until I could eat something. No fun.

Lest anyone think I haven't fully explored this, I've been through five nutritionists, including one who used to work in the Atkins clinic. My Dr. couldn't believe the results of the glucose test "You're not just hypoglycemic, you're really, REALLY hypoglycemic." Yes, thanks Doc, I love to be exceptional, just perhaps not in this particular way. They get like that when they hear my cholesterol levels too.

What was maddening is that before I did the GTT, I could still eat hard sheep cheese, and cashew butter (with a bit of sugar in it under a gram per tbsp). But the GTT if anything made me MORE sensitive to this issue after that, and now no more cheese and cashews. I'm having a hard time figuring out what to eat to get the calcium in, without dairy. And unlike most folks with IBSD I can't seem to take calcium for more than a few days before my stomach rebels.

Long and the short is I'm as paleo as one can be, and looking for any options I can find like tahini which seems to go down well and be a very slow burning carb, plus the copper content is helping with my deficiency in that area.


Senior Member
I cant handle sugar at all--just had a smoothie with strawberry banana and vanilla yogurt wow it got me crazy
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