Treatment at OMI


Senior Member
Does anyone her know (or know where to find information about) how the OMI institute treats severe (the most severe) cases of ME?
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Texas Hill Country
@funkyqueen was given rituximab at OMI - I think it helped her initially and then stopped helping. (

Actually, I think what happened was she unable to continue treatment where she lives, the above thread is rather long and goes into more detail.

@Gingergrrl also has been to OMI. She is very ill, though she may not have ME/CFS. I believe she's currently taking a break from the board but hopefully will return and you could ask her about her experience.

I'd consider myself medium sick - not bedridden, and not extreme POTS or OI, but my life is seriously disrupted - I can't work and am quite limited in my daily activities. I went to OMI, they did a lot of testing but were unable to help me.

So I think it's a mixed bag, depending on your symptoms, etc.
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