Treating H pylori and dysbiosis

What are peoples experience treating H pylori and overall dysbiosis? What did you do and was is successful/did you feel better after treatment?

I am currently taking two natural (but potent) antimicrobials called Candibactin AR/BR. I am somewhat wary of taking antibiotics although not opposed to them.
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Senior Member
United Kingdom
Helicobacter Pylori protects itself with a biofilm so unless you address that you probably won't have much success against it. H. Pylori is strongly urease positive and will have a dramatic impact on your stomach function which will promote dysbiosis and prevent your stomach from protecting itself against unwanted micro-organisms, including the ones which are causing your CFS.

For biofilms BFB-1 and BFB-2 are the best, they are Quorum Sensing Inhibiting and also have some Efflux Pump Inhibiting effects. They also contain Thyme and Oregano, which are in the sups you have, plus other essential oils to combat biofilms and antimicrobial resistance.

If I was you I would search for specific Efflux Pump Inhibitors to use against H. Pylori. There has been a lot of research on H Pylori so there should be some known natural EPI's to use against it. BTW EPI's make antimicrobials more effective by reducing the bacteria's ability to eliminate antimicrobials.

These should be used with enzymes to break apart the biofilm. Interfase, not the plus version or Biofilm Defense. Then get a little EDTA powder and encapsulate it in vegi caps. Use 2 or 3 caps, 2 grams is the safe limit for IV use and not all will get into the blood stream. EDTA mops up the calcium/magnesium and metals released when the enzymes break apart the biofilm and prevent them from being re-used to rebuild the biofilm. You need to open the enzyme capsules so that they work immediately in the stomach. That is why you should not use Interfase+ because it contains EDTA which is harmful to the teeth. Take the EDTA caps first so that they can break up in the stomach and let the caps partially dissolve in your mouth before swallowing. Use 1 or 2 drops of each of BFB-1 and BFB-2 and wait for 5 minutes or so for it to take effect. Then take the enzymes. Wait again for those to take effect and then follow with EPI's and antimicrobials. Timing is everything so that everything is working and having it's effect before the next thing is used.

You might get lucky and solve your CFS too if what you take is effective against the CFS micro-organism. Mine is very resistant even without it's biofilm.
This site has a little bit of info about H Pylori but you would be better off researching the things that I have mentioned and finding antimicrobials and EPI's for Pylori.

Taking some magnesium some hours before you begin might be a good idea so as to ensure that there is sufficient magnesium in the blood. Also taking some glutamine in advance might be helpful. When the biofilm drops you should feel a discomfort in your stomach. If you do not feel anything then you did something wrong or mistimed.
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Is H pylori infection linked to CFS in general? I could not find Any source that makes that Link.
in the elderly Group 50% of Population is infected with h pylori
It could make sense treating h pylori even if you are asymptomatic in stomach Region. But be aware for succesfull treatment you will possibly need high dose of triple antibiotics for 2 weeks.
That could again Mess up other things


Senior Member
United States, New Hampshire
What are peoples experience treating H pylori and overall dysbiosis? What did you do and was is successful/did you feel better after treatment?

I haven't treated H. pylori but I am treating severe dysbiosis, confirmed through testing. I have gone from only being able to do about 3 hours a day of physical activity to 6-7 hours a day.

Treatment for me has been very slow because I don't tolerate antimicrobials for treating the gut very well. Having said that, I'm not the same person I was when I started treating dysbiosis.

My life is completely different. I routinely walk to a convenience store, the laundry mat, a farmers market and a grocery store. I don't have a car, so it's incredible to be able to walk to these places to get things done!

I've been treating my dysbiosis for a little over 2 years now and continue to improve. I'm on a low carb diet, focused mainly on eating as little as possible of starchy foods, which are dysbiosis's best friend.:)

I take herbal antibiotics every day. The equivalent to about 14-15 grams of whole herbs. I also take both probiotics and prebiotics. This protocol has been life changing for me and as I said I'm still improving.

I'm also 60 years old and have taken about 35-40 courses of antibiotics through my life. Which devastated my microbiome. Both of these things (age and antibiotics)make it much more difficult to treat dysbiosis. I have also had CFS for 42 years.

So if I can improve this much after 42 years, just think what you can do! I think you are much younger than me and you haven't had CFS nearly as long. Both of these things work in your favor.

I have learned that taking mitochondrial supps and supps that help to lower/prevent brain inflammation, helps me tolerate my protocol MUCH, MUCH, better and wouldn't be without them.

If you can tolerate the treatment you are on, I strongly encourage you to stick with it, as long as is nessesary and modify as is nessesary, so you can stay with. My bet is, it will be more than worth it!!

Are you on a low carb diet? I'm convinced that a low carb diet is absolutely imperative to healing dysbiosis.
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