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Senior Member
I use a belt-and-braces effort of oral D2 all year + a lamp in winter and sunlight in summer.

I see there's another article here: http://www.nutraingredients.com/Research/Complex-link-between-vitamin-D2-and-D3-supplementation

Can't read it properly at the moment but it looks quite positive for women.
Interesting. Looks like the body dumps what it doesn't need and so over supplementing daily with d 2 or d3 can be counterproductive? Also, women are better absorbing Vitamin d generally than men. Maybe this is related to a need for higher calcium uptake?

So I think the take out is d3 is better than d2 for increasing levels, but don't take doses daily.... take them Fortnightly? I think their sample was getting some sunlight (<10 hrs per week). Perhaps getting the daily 15 min face and arms and then topping up Fortnightly with d3 would be a good regime? Perhaps go weekly in the winter? (I just made that last bit up)