Thyme essential oil


Senior Member
Anyone tried it?

My ME/CFS friend and me both got Thyme serpyllum essential oil from a local neurocardiologist (who is into Lyme ;) ) and we both felt drastic inmprovements from it from first day or two.

As usual, not all improvement stayed. First days were the best. But some symptoms did go away (most new symptoms that I got from IV antibiotic a year ago, but also some very old... ).
For her as well, she had best days in her 10 years of ME hell. Was drastic for her and she still takes it, with best days in years.

At first I started to even blink like crazy (PANDAS methinks), and woke up fresh...

cfsremission mentions this as good CFS option but i dont read many other things.

anyone else tried?
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Senior Member
Was there a particular brand recommended and method of application? Is it ingested orally?


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Thyme eo has many different chemotypes which all have different ratios of constituents. Some being more effective for certain things. Thymol levels are higher in Thymol chemotypes and much lower in other chemotypes.

Essential Oil Characterization of Thymus vulgaris from Various Geographical Locations
27 October 2016: Prabodh Satyal, Brittney L. Murray, Robert L. McFeeters and William N. Setzer

Thyme and thymol constituents have shown antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory effects. Thymol and Carvacrol are the two main studied constituents with moderate synergetic effect.
Thymol (23%–60%), Carvacrol (2%–8%) depending upon chemotype.

Carvacrol - shown to actively disintegrate the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria by releasing lipopolysaccharides from the bacterial cell wall and increasing membrane permeability.

BFB 2 contains Thyme among other eo. It is meant for treating micro-organisms but is not meant for internal usage. I do not think that the oils are organic so using the same oils in guaranteed pure organic form would be preferable. BFB 1 & BFB 2 has Quorum Sensing Inhibiting effects, Efflux Pump Inhibiting effects and also affects cell membranes of micro-organisms.

Be aware that Carvacrol has a mean rodent LD50 of 810mg/Kg and Thymol mean LD50 of 1220mg/Kg. For humans this could be very different. Therefore check this before use.
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Senior Member
Thyme is considered to be a strong antiviral oil and should be used with CAUTION. I use lots of oils with enthusiasm and reckless abandon, but thyme, oregano, cinnamon are even on my very careful list and nutmeg is a no way, no how for me. I have seen some of these take paint off furniture and people apply them to skin undiluted - not smart. They can blister and create highly sensitize areas. With all the diffuser rage, people have lost the sense that oils can be powerful.

Most people do not realize that oils actually are powerful compounds. Some practitioners liken it to "the blood of the plant." Basically it is all the power of the plant is concentrated form. With that said, there is are a lot of junk oils on the market.

There is a very knowledgeable woman in Wilmington, NC who has a shop & she does ship.
I am not affiliated with her, but I do have experience ordering from her. If you call and explain to her what it is you want, she will make recommendations for oils and help you choose the correct carrier oil and the best way to apply. She has excellent quality products and really knows her stuff. Mixing oils is pretty sciency because you've got to have the exact proportions and know the properties of each oil in order to mix effectively. It is basically like compounding medicines. You absolutely CAN mess it up. I've had the benefit of visiting the shop personally and had my very own oil made. She does keep records and you can just reorder again by telling her your name and the blend you want. She has been in business a long while. I cannot stress enough that this is an area that you need to research and have some understanding in before just using oils like all of them are harmless, they all are not. Now, if you want to go smear lavender oil all over yourself, that would probably be fine, but nutmeg, for instance, can cause seizures, some an cause miscarriage, others skin problems. Just be careful and know your stuff.

Oils do work. I reversed some hormonal issues and know folks who have resolved other health issues as well. I used to do some mixing until my cognitive issues started, won't go back to it unless that fully resolves. I can see that thyme would be effective due to it being a strong antiviral. Please just use caution and guidance from an expert. I have been considering using oregano myself, but I'm afraid of causing a healing crisis and I am only at 30% or so. Don't need to make things any worse right now.


Senior Member
Be aware that Carvocrol is not toxic but Thymol is quite highly toxic. Therefore check this before use.[/QUOTE said:
Exactly why it is a bad idea to use this oil without the supervision of an experienced practitioner.


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
And just a side note that I saw a posting on Pinterest that diffusing the oils can be deadly to cats. Not sure if that would apply to other animals as well but if you have pets you also might want to be careful with these oils and how you use them around your furry and feathered friends :cat::dog:.