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Three fold path to a cure

Let's not pretend that the world of supplements is going to solve the problems of the innumerable diseases that afflict humanity.

I couldn't agree more...but replace the word 'supplements' with the word 'prescription meds'. Rx are not cures...just symptom managers. There is a cure for all disease, and it's three-fold. 1. Return to the traditional diet of your ancestors, 2. Avoid the 85,000 chemicals like the plague that they are, and 3. Supplement with quality supplements to fill the damage caused by years of malnourishment and toxicity. We've been divorced from our birthright...our ancestral heritage of diet and medicine traditions. In its place we've been sold a bill of goods...and look at our 'amazing' healthy country/world today! 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women get cancer, 1 out of 30 children are on the autism spectrum (expect 1 in 10 in 12 years), half the population is on anti-depressants/anxieties and PPIs (for digestion problems), there are 850,000 cholesystectomies a year (gallbladder removals) and on and on and on. John Hopkins U. studied modern medicine's mortality reports, and determined a third to half of all deaths today are caused by Modern Medicine. You can look that one up online real easily.

According to Derrick Lonsdale, M.D. there are epidemic levels of B1 deficiencies today...a modern-day version of BeriBeri. It began in the late 1800's with the advent of grain and sugar refinement. In the 1920's many Japanese, Indians, and Americans were sick and dying from this. The countries figured out how to stop the deficiencies (America fortified grains), but unfortunately today there are too many factors at play that keep us B1/Bs deficient (chemicals [inc Rxs], sugar, stress, and a garbage food supply). Docs test B1 levels, but even the Merk Manual states that the test should be to supplement...and if symptoms improve...a B1 deficiency dx should be made. Studies were done on people with Alzheimer's, Type II Diabetes, and Crohn's Disease (maybe even CFS?). After being tested and B1 levels were found WNL, they were given high doses of a fat-soluble version of B1 (Benfothiamine), along with a B-complex and the co-factor magnesium. All patients improved...some were healed!

I have found great healing myself from 6 months of this protocol. I also added beef liver (and chicken and pork) 4 months ago...a vit B-BOMB! It contains the full spectrum of over 50 Bs, a great source of bioavailable Vit A, and a good source of iron and copper. I also take a few key minerals, amino acids, and herbs. For the first time...in a very long time...I am reversing symptoms I've developed for over half a lifetime.

Modern Medicine never really helped me. Once they set a broken finger...and once helped me with bronchitis. But as far as all my other health problems...they took my money...but never cured me. Thank God I've been able to nearly cure myself from reading research...and great online experts. Believe me, I am a 'mystery diagnosis'. I had no choice but to forge out on my own. Eating a N. European ancestral diet the last 5 years (no plant oils, no corn syrup, no wheat, no chems, little fruit, no Mediterranean foods, whole grass-fed animal, local dairy) taking key supps, and avoiding chemicals has helped greatly. I'm convinced if docs prescribed liver and other organs (as has been a traditional medicine since the dawn of time...and still is around the world), mod med would practically go out of business. But why would they want to kill their cash cow like that??? No...it will never happen.


Senior Member
There is a cure for all disease, and it's three-fold. 1. Return to the traditional diet of your ancestors, 2. Avoid the 85,000 chemicals like the plague that they are, and 3. Supplement with quality supplements to fill the damage caused by years of malnourishment and toxicity.

Notions like the one you expressed, that the world of our ancestors was some golden era of health and vitality, are quite common and appealing, but considering that more and more research shows how chronic diseases are linked to common pathogens — pathogens that would most likely have been in circulation during the time of our ancestors as well — that suggests the incidence of chronic diseases associated with common pathogens would have been similar in past eras.
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Notions like the one you expressed, that the world of our ancestors was some golden era of health and vitality, are quite common and appealing, but considering that more and more research shows how chronic diseases are linked to common pathogens — pathogens that would most likely have been in circulation during the time of our ancestors as well — that suggests the incidence of chronic diseases associated with common pathogens would have been similar in past eras.

So there's pathogens in the world. But we also have to address the other half of the equation...our body's response to them, and it's ability to defeat them. A correctly functioning body is designed to handle pathogens...our immune system. What makes the difference between a functional and dysfunctional immune system...and all other systems of the body?

1. We need to provide all the required building blocks (nutrients) that it needs for constant maintenance/repair. I hope you agree that "we are what we eat". If we're not what we eat...what is the body made up of? We are made completely new every 7 years...all with the foods that we eat.
2. Toxins...chemicals...pesticides...heavy metals, which disrupt body processes, and make us very sick. In MUCH smaller amounts, before the Industrial Revolution, our body's methylation cycle held the capacity to maintain health. With 85,000 chemicals today (inc the notorious Monsanto's Glyphosate...designed to disrupt body processes) we simply can't keep 'clean'.


A century and a half later we are still suffering the effects of the beginning of the I.R...refining of grains and sugars. But we don't just have BeriBeri anymore. We have a new and even more insidious disease...Modern-Day BeriBeri. At least with traditional BeriBeri you died after some great suffering. Today, instead, we have prolonged suffering...being kept alive with drugs like Metformin and Alzheimer's drugs...as we slowly waste away physically, mentally, and financially.

S.A.D. (Standard American Diet) bears very little resemblance to what people have eaten since the dawn of time. I like to call it a faux food supply. Realistically...biologically... scientifically...no one could expect our very complex machines to function in a healthy manner without the right replacement parts and fuel. It's easy to see when we loosely compare bodies to any other machines and structures...cars, buildings, and even ecosystems.

One big difference between a traditional diet and an industrial diet is the predominant amino acid. The first is lysine...the latter is arginine. This occurs from lack of proper processing and unhealthy foods repacing healthy ones. When arginine dominates lysine it results in a large cascade of problems. Arginine causes inflammation, cancer, and the growth of pathogens in the body....bacteria, fungus, viruses, etc. This website explains it in detail.

Plagues and epidemics have always occured in conjunction with the rise of agriculture...most notably wheat. Our ancestors learned that they needed to soak, ferment, culture grains in order to break down the proteins...gluten and gliadin. When they didn't...illness followed. Good luck finding traditional sourdough bread many places today! Most people today don't even realize that the sourdough they're buying is only sour due to added flavoring...not the actual process. I make my own sourdough rye...a very healing bread...because it's not available in my major city. I have a great website on this too. Although it starts out with a sales pitch to purchase the bread, it really isn't available for purchase right now. I'm just trying to share very interesting nutrition info you won't find anywhere else.

Sorry so long! :)
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Senior Member
A correctly functioning body is designed to handle pathogens...our immune system. What makes the difference between a functional and dysfunctional immune system...and all other systems of the body?

Exposure to certain chemicals may hamper the immune response, as may exposure to extreme psychological stress.

However, even under the most ideal conditions of nutrition, you are not going to escape the damage and death brought by pathogens such as smallpox, poliovirus, rabies virus, measles virus, rubella virus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, syphilis and numerous other nasty pathogens.

It may not fit your philosophy, but really it's only through the future advancements of medical science that we are going to address the immense misery and suffering that pathogens cause humanity not only via overt infectious disease, but also via the fact that common pathogens may be triggering chronic diseases. Epstein-Barr virus for example is linked to ME/CFS, and coxsackievirus B is linked to type 1 diabetes.

Plagues and epidemics have always occured in conjunction with the rise of agriculture...most notably wheat.

I'd like to see evidence for that. Prior to the agricultural revolution, when humans lived as nomadic hunter-gatherers, you do find much recorded history, so it would be hard to know if hunter-gatherers suffered less plagues and epidemics than neolithic civilizations.

But it is not inconceivable that neolithic peoples did suffer from more epidemics, simply because once humans settled down into villages and towns, you may get a lot more humans living in close contact, which enables pathogens to more easily spread.

In addition, through farming we started to live more closely with other animals, and this can facilitate the spread of animal pathogens into humans. Places like China, where the rural populace often live in close contact with chickens running around in their backyard, are at high risk for creating the next influenza epidemic, due to the ease in which influenzavirus can pass from chicken to human.

Interestingly enough, one retrovirus recently been discovered to be present in a substantial portion of the human population, namely bovine leukemia virus (BLV), is speculated to have first crossed from cows into humans during the agricultural revolution, when we started drinking the milk of other animals on a regular basis (BLV is found in raw milk).

BLV has known immunosuppressive effects, so possibly ever since the agricultural revolution, BLV may have exerted pernicious effects on human health.


Senior Member
U.S. Atlanta
Not to mention human sacrifices, en masse, some as recent as the 15th century AD. I just today read of a Nat Geo funded archeo group in Peru finding a mass offering of
some 500 youths (to age 12-15), the largest found to date; but sacrificial ideas may have been prolific, as in the Inca populations which completely disappeared These may have been pathogen related so as to prevent or cleanse scourges, through offerings to the gods or in reality. Not unrelated, the Incas put an end to the Chimu civilization along the Peruvian coast into its interior circa the same era. These numbers add up as a percentage of the respective populations.