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Thoughts on this treatment for Vaccine Injury (Dr. Peter McCullough)..hokum or legit?


Senior Member
This article was pubished today on the Joe Mercola website. It reports on a possible treatment to 'turn-off' the effect of the vaccine using injections of siRNA and RIBOTACs that would stop the vaccine from operating. Before I had the AZ vaccine (not MRNA I realise, but maybe the principle behind this article could apply) I had made a substantive recovery over a 4 years period from ME/CFS, however taking the AZ made me worse than I had ever been and im now fully housebound. Is this treatment suggestion from Dr. Peter McCullough something to be optimistic about? - im not a science guy so have no way of telling. thanks


Senior Member
It reports on a possible treatment to 'turn-off' the effect of the vaccine using injections of siRNA and RIBOTACs that would stop the vaccine from operating.
We all would like to get rid of our pain, but I have learned to investigate before I risk more side effects.

I cannot find any evidence that would "'turn off' the effect of the vaccine using injections of siRNA and RIBOTACs that would stop the vaccine from operating." This is the reason I would be very careful, because nearly all C-19 methyl pseudouridine and its pairing characteristics, I've delved deeper into the subject, particularly focusing on the base pairing of pseudouridine.

If you like you can read more: https://philipmcmillan.substack.com...Q.nwU8j_D8bfSMtCdNQjkf0q1kL2TyOdPZfsWq3AQItr4

Additionally, I came across some intriguing information about the physiological effects of adenosine, particularly its paradoxical ability to cause irregular heartbeats in some cases, despite its common use in treating specific arrhythmias.
Here is a summary of the adenosine effects: https://swaresearch.blogspot.com/2024/06/adenosine-epinephrine-and-adrenaline.html

Florida Guy

Senior Member
The covid shot is nasty and nobody should take it. It does not stop you from getting covid, people who took the shot keep getting covid even more often. It does not help and it can cause considerable harm as our friend Guwop2 found out. Many people have only minor side effects, they may feel sick for a few weeks and recover. Some get serious heart, artery, brain problems and many many other things. Some go on to get long covid/cfs. Some simply drop dead within a month or two, some the same day.

They don't count any side effects within the first month because the shot is supposed to take that long to start working. So those who died right away or had heart issues, etc, are not counted as vax injuries. No it must have been something else entirely and its just a big coincidence that so many die or get sick right after the jab. That's the bs the medical establishment are pushing


Google blocks or hides most negative information about the shot but its out there