Those annoying perfumed inserts . . .


Senior Member
Southeast US
Always look forward to the big, information rich Sunday newspaper. I was really annoyed, however, that an ad supplement from a department store contained 3 or more perfumed inserts. Took them immediately to the trash can (we must have the sweetest smelling garbage) but the damage was done. I'd been fighting a migraine since yesterday, and the perfume sent my head swirling, and the pain became intense. No reading for me until things calmed down.

Does anyone else have a strong reaction to these things? Does anything help?


Senior Member
Southeast US
Thanks, Caledonia. I looked up the multi at Thorne Labs:

and (WOW!) it's expensive. I hesitate to put that much money into a supplement because I rarely can tolerate them. However, I've found through trial and error over the years that G.N.C. products are usually tolerable. I do know that they are gluten free which may explain it.

The specialist I've seen over the years told me the less I take in the way of supplementation, the better I will feel. But what to do if I need supplements (methylation protocol) in order to tolerate supplements, chemicals, odors, etc.?


Senior Member
The right supplements will make you feel better. When choosing supplements, it's usually the old adage of "you get what you pay for". The better companies choose to use better ingredients and no allergens. I can send you a sample of the Thorne multi if you like. Just PM me.

I go to a naturopath who uses an electrodermal screening unit to choose which supplements will jive with your body. It seems to be pretty accurate. I also use self muscle testing as a backup. I've also developed a method of determining the right amount, which is often a problem for us. That way I can be pretty assured that I will tolerate the supplement before I take it.
Yes, I'm upset it's hard to avoid chemicals and scents that trigger migraines or other symptoms. Foods trigger me too, but they can be avoided.

To prevent migraines, 25mg B12 and 100mg magnesium (citrate form is good) and 250mg feverfew usually works for me. Taken 2 or 3 times a day. You might need more magnesium or even feverfew. They are cheap since a bottle of B12 lasts a long time, and many of us need magnesium for other reasons.


Senior Member
I hate them as well BEG. I start off with all the newspapers taken out of their plastic bags (if any) and then placed on the balcony or by an open window away from the living areas of the flat to out-gas first of all. By the afternoon I can usually read the newsprint part of the paper and often the supplements (coloured) parts by the next day.

I'm lucky in that my other half does this for me and throws away any scented parts before I get near them. It's a real pity. I've stopped reading any magazines that are likely to contain perfume. Sometimes a mask and gloves can help. I've got a mask with charcoal for that reason.


Senior Member
Southeast US
Thanks everyone for your helpful and interesting suggestions. It always amazes me the way people on this forum have found various ways to address our very peculiar CFS problems.