THE ORTHOMOLECULAR TREATMENT OF CHRONIC DISEASE: 65 Experts on Therapeutic and Preventive Nutrition


Senior Member
If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is....

Thing that makes me suspicious is talk of cures of serious conditions using 'a vitamin' - really?


Tournament of the Phoenix - Rise Again
@trishrhymes Vitamins are....well... vital. Vital for health and life. As are minerals...

There are many of the ill who have discovered that they had a functional deficiency of a required substance in their body, due to the lack of an enzyme, mineral, or some other missing co-factor which the body needed to metabolize or absorb the nutrient. Many find that drugs have blocked absorption or otherwise depleted vital nutrients.

Further, illness can cause quick depletion of many vital nutrients... the body's requirements may become huge. The body stores a few vital substances in the liver, such as vitamin A, but that small store can easily be depleted by severe or chronic illness, or... simply over time by diet, i.e., giving up fatty foods in effort to reduce calorie consumption, since vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin.

I myself discovered an unrealized vitamin A deficiency. I had presumed that I was obtaining in sufficient amounts through my diet and if not there, through my vitamin supplement. On closer inspection, I discovered that my vitamin supplement provided merely carotene (commonly done in effort to prevent overdose of vitamin A), which converts very poorly to vitamin A at best, and which many, genetically speaking - including myself, do not convert at all.

There are quite a few major nutritional deficiencies known to exist in the "modern" world with serious consequences. Check out this 2016 report which is quite clear in that regard:

In the U.S. heart disease is the number one killer. if you contact a board certified cardiologist such as Sinatra and Roberts, co-authors of the book, "Reverse Heart Disease Now," they discuss the high magnesium mineral deficiency widespread throughout the population. Magnesium is one of the four minerals (potassium, sodium, calcium) called electrolytes that set up the electrical charge in your heart to pump your blood.

Energy production requirement
The metabolism of carbohydrates and fats to produce energy requires numerous magnesium-dependent chemical reactions. Magnesium is required by the adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-synthesizing protein in mitochondria. ATP, the molecule that provides energy for almost all metabolic processes, exists primarily as a complex with magnesium (MgATP) (3). All enzymatic reactions involving ATP require magnesium.

People can get magnesium through their diet (leafy green vegetables, almonds, cashews, pumpkin seeds, beans, tofu, figs, apricots and bananas are all rich in magnesium.)

Not all forms of magnesium are absorbed well and some supplements fail to provide a good form. Consumption does not equal absorption. And common use of drugs such as the birth control pill, cause depletion of magnesium and B vitamins, again with serious consequences.... Magnesium deficiency is rampant for many reasons.

Unfortunately most doctors are not trained in nutrition, however more are becoming more aware of the implications of such deficiencies.


Senior Member
Something is seriously wrong in people with MECFS, probably with the immune system. Its very unlikely that correcting diet or vitamin/mineral therapy will fix it. Just because we can't "see" the disease process in MECFS, it is no less real than cancer or lupus. And we wouldn't expect to correct those through diet/nutrition, right? Some supplements might even stimulate our immune systems and make us feel worse (Coenzyme Q10 did this for me!).

Until we understand the disease process in MECFS, we're just stabbing in the dark. Gotta keep stabbing (what else can we do?), but be aware its a crapshoot.

By all means, try things, all I'm saying is don't expect miracles and don't spend all your money - you are going to need that for other life essentials!


Senior Member
@Chocolove , you are right of course to correct me on this. My reaction was overly simplistic.

I think I was in a particularly grumpy mood about wildly exaggerated claims of cures after a bellyful of psych claims for MUS taking over British Medicine being discussed on another thread.

I came across the Orthomolecular Medicine stuff decades ago with some practitioners of alternative medicine with very limited understanding of physiology and nutrition jumping on bandwagons of this or that vitamin or mineral being touted as cure all's. Megadoses of Vitamin C was one of the most popular.

My reaction to reading the blurb on this book you highlight was in that context. It seems to suggest a single vitamin (unnamed) could cure such diseases as HIV and MS. To me this seems highly suspect and irresponsible.

As we are learning from the metabolomics research on ME, cell biology is immensely complex, and even if a person's metabolic data indicates low levels of particular nutrients, simply supplementing them may not rebalance the biochemistry and lead to cure, as people in here are finding as they experiment with various nutritional protocols.

I completely agree that some of the sort of nutritional treatments you describe can be beneficial. And of course there are the well known deficiency diseases such as scurvy. And I'm sure you're right about Magnesium. This is not the same as sweeping claims of cures made by some Orthomolecular Medicine proponents.

Maybe you or someone else will get hold of this book and review it for us.
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Spanish advocate
I have a orthomolecular guide to treat cfs in spanish. I haven't used it much for the last years but at the beggining it kind of gave me an insight of what could be wrong with me and pointed to some supplements that even now seem to be used and/or researched.

If I find it in english I can post it here if you're interested.