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The Gut Microbiota Modulates Energy Metabolism in the Hibernating Brown Bear Ursus arctos


Senior Member
Columbus, Ohio
Going off the inquisition that perhaps this is a disease that renders as a state hibernation. Recently read the health rising study that looked at gene expression in fibromyalgia and made me wonder. I think studies over the microbiome will only continue to be applied for and published in abundant fashions. Brain is quite befuddled at the moment, but want to leave this here for other people to read and so I can go back in the future and give it a gander.

“Transplantation of the bear microbiota from summer and winter to germ-free mice transferred some of the seasonal metabolic features and demonstrated that the summer microbiota promoted adiposity without impairing glucose tolerance, suggesting that seasonal variation in the microbiota may contribute to host energy metabolism in the hibernating brown bear.”

“We analyzed the microbiota of free-ranging brown bears during their active phase and hibernation. Compared to the active phase, hibernation microbiota had reduced diversity, reduced levels of Firmicutesand Actinobacteria, and increased levels of Bacteroidetes. Several metabolites involved in lipid metabolism, including triglycerides, cholesterol, and bile acids, were also affected by hibernation.”
