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The Complexity of Immune Function


Senior Member

This is MS research into autoimmunity.

"The UCI scientists zeroed in on one of these protein triggers for T cell responses called Piezo1, which research has shown to be important in regulating a range of bodily functions.

These include red blood cell volume, blood pressure and bone development. Piezo1 is also known to guide certain T cell function, though how it influences immune responses specifically had not yet been thoroughly explored."

"These experiments revealed some other useful new insights about the function of Piezo1 that the scientists did not expect. While the protein is known drive some T cell functions, the researchers unearthed a variety of functions that it seemingly has no part in, including interactions with the lymph nodes, as well as the cells' proliferation and differentiation into other T cell types. This selectivity makes Piezo1 a promising target for MS therapies."

That's just one protein that medical experts don't understand all the functions of, and I'm sure there are a lot more. The core dysfunction of ME could be just one of these proteins, being produced in the wrong ratios compared to other proteins. Maybe the adjoining DNA segments affects the production rate, with some other factors being involved. Maybe we produce some other biomolecule that is configured just right to interfere with the critical protein. Furthermore, a critical protein could be produced in only a fairly small portion of the brain, and not readily travel out of that region (meaning no simple blood or even CSF test).

Not to be pessimistic, but there are all sorts of possibilities for ME's cause that involve so-far unknown biomolecules or functions that would be really hard to detect. Luckily, that doesn't rule out stumbling across an effective treatment by accident.

It does explain why despite the severe symptoms of ME and all the research already done, we still don't have a marker or a solid theory.