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The cerebrovascular response to carbon dioxide in humans


Senior Member

Carbon dioxide (CO2) increases cerebral blood flow and arterial blood pressure. Cerebral blood flow increases not only due to the vasodilating effect of CO2 but also because of the increased perfusion pressure after autoregulation is exhausted.

Our objective was to measure the responses of both middle cerebral artery velocity (MCAv) and mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) to CO2 in human subjects using Duffin-type isoxic rebreathing tests.

Do you think this means that CO2 from rebreathing would be helpful for those of us with low blood pressure?

Also, since:
CO2 is produced during during the Krebs cycle (also known as the citric acid cycle or TCA cycle).

maybe the cause of needing to rebreathe or in some way take exongenous CO2 is because of TCA cycle inability to produce adequate amounts.


Senior Member
I just found this, posted by someone that I follow on Twitter (X).


The kicker was that giving the POTS patients carbon dioxide during the tilt test normalized the blood flows to their brains, and stopped their tachycardia (rapid heart beats) and their hyperventilation. (For some reason they did not suggest patients start breathing carbon dioxide.)

From the study + the Healthrising article, I am thinking the CO2 reduces hypertension and at the same time allows blood flow to the brain. (reduces hypoperfusion) But I'm not sure, if anyone sees an error in my thinking, let me know.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Shouldn't be too hard to try if you have a paper bag or similar handy. I remember trying something similar a few years back but it just made me feel out of breath and a bit stressed but I might try it again.

My thinking is with POTS the body is deliberately vasoconstricting to help poor blood flow. Most things that cause vasodilation in me lead to worse POTS symptoms. POTS patients do vary massively though.


Senior Member
Shouldn't be too hard to try if you have a paper bag or similar handy. I remember trying something similar a few years back but it just made me feel out of breath and a bit stressed but I might try it again.

My thinking is with POTS the body is deliberately vasoconstricting to help poor blood flow. Most things that cause vasodilation in me lead to worse POTS symptoms. POTS patients do vary massively though.
Yes, I am trying the paper bag breathing. Also thinking about the Krebs cycle, and although I already take B complex, I am going back to taking extra B5. I can't handle much B3. But do you know how viruses mess up the Krebs cycle.


Senior Member
It looks like the CO2 would be more helpful for those with hypertension, and I have hypotension.

Maybe I should look for something else for hypoperfusion. I don't know, it's 12:45 (in the afternoon!) and I think my brain is shutting down.