

Senior Member
Sth Australia
i saw a new specialist yesterday and as per usual he wanted me to have more tests done. My partner thought i'd be very happy about that but I wasnt and arent as they keep on getting me to do tests in which I know will probably show nothing at all up, as they arent tests which show up normal CFS/ME abnormalities.

Its frustrating to be kept on being sent for tests in which nothing is likely to show while knowing one isnt being able to get the tests in which things may in fact show. Ive had this illness now for 13 years.. and no joke have had 100s of tests due to them doing basic routine tests things over and over.

So yesterday I ended up right after the appointment being told to go to the hospital and have an ultrasound on my liver. (while my partner gets all hopeful it is going to show something up :rolleyes: ).

Also got told that my last Glucose Tollerance Test (a 2 hr appointment last time for that), may not have been good enough to show up an issue cause it wasnt centifuged (spun). So he's told me to go and have that done again (but is going to have me do it in a different way then normally done). Is it really going to pick up an issue the third time around?

I know the after effect of this will be them going on about all the tests Ive had done. (when they arent even ones i want!)

Im just so so frustrated as i want CFS tests done! eg NK function

Can someone here please tell me why the centifuging is important in GTT tests (and yet no one has done the centifuging on it in the past)?


senior member
Concord, NH
I am sure you are really frustated like most/all of us! But if you are showing/complaining of something new, perhaps it will show something new?

Also, question the Dr as to why the test is being done and what will happen with the results, either way.

Just a few thoughts.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Tania, ask for what tests u want done and see what happens. Lymphocyte function test and lymphocyte sub set test are about the best on offer here in australia.


Senior Member
i live in canada.i went to see the immunoligists at a hospital and asked for comprehensive blood work.they flat out refused which was my incentive to say screw this and got my butt down to dr klimas who did what was necessary.
heapsreal has a good point..list the ones you want done and see what they can do or maybe they'll send you to a lab that can.
good luck!


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Hi alice, what came of your tests with klimas?
Tania, the tests i mentioned can be authorized by any gp and done at most local labs, no need for a hospital.



Senior Member
Sth Australia
thanks for the replies.
lymphocyte sub set test

I have had that one done.. Im a bit down on my blood cell count.

I really want a NK Cell function test done. Im confused as some have some that not all labs do it and that one often has to get blood sent away. I'll try asking my doctor at tomorrows appointment


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
hi tania, ring the labs in your area and ask for your self but i wouldnt tell them u have cfs as one person i know got knocked back and was told they dont do it for cfs only sick people(bastards) so i would tell them and your docotor to write on pathology request slip that u have an immunodefiency disorder.
