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Symptoms, Non-Cog

Couldn't think of a good name for the thread: I was curious, for those of us who have been at least currently spared from the cognitive, ala brain-fog issues often found in the disease, what are the rest of your symptoms? Was curious after reading so many threads recenty on all the brain-effects, what are the symptoms in all those without these problems? OI? Insomnia or hyper insomnia or fatigue? What would you say was the progression of the symptoms, ect.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
All I can say is that those who have OI usually have cognition issues too (due to lack of blood flow to brain or whatever which causes the OI), those who have insomina.. often have cognition issues too due to feeling tired a lot due to lack of getting enough sleep, those who have hyper insomina..also usually have cognition issues too (sometimes severe) due to being excessively tired or the time.

It is highly unusual for someone with ME/CFS not to have cognition, concentration or memory issues and in anyone without this.. I say be careful that you've been given the right diagnoses and that something else hasnt been missed.

But great idea to make this post of yours and see if you can find a new subject of people.


Senior Member
Couldn't think of a good name for the thread: I was curious, for those of us who have been at least currently spared from the cognitive, ala brain-fog issues often found in the disease, what are the rest of your symptoms? Was curious after reading so many threads recenty on all the brain-effects, what are the symptoms in all those without these problems? OI? Insomnia or hyper insomnia or fatigue? What would you say was the progression of the symptoms, ect.

I've never really had much in the way of cognitive symptoms. My main problems are feeling as if I've got severe flu all the time (but no fever), extreme weakness, aching all over, joint and muscle pain, shivering and sweating, poor appetite, insomnia. These symptoms have remained much the same since I became ill 30 years ago, but I do have periods of remission, sometimes for years.

Any cognitive problems I think I have, are fleeting, and due to poor sleep. Not nearly to the level of the M.E. camp though, who seems to hit much harder with this key symptom.

I have looked for a lot of other possible diagnoses, but still feel the more general CFS applies to me, and I know from some others on here as well. The fatigue that doesn't go away, not revealed by tests, muscle aches, worst in the legs, OI meaning I feel far better sitting in bed, semi-upright, rather than head flat or completely upright. Also more general is palpitations and muscle tremor, but these appear more when I exert more.

Coming off the benzos makes the fatigue even worse. In fact, it's very interesting to read people who have abused benzos for years at a time, reading their withdrawl stories and seeing just how much it can mirror this disease- severe muscle aches, fatigue, badly effected short term memory, worsened insomnia. That's why more neuro research and it's effects on the rest of the body are critical.
I've never really had much in the way of cognitive symptoms. My main problems are feeling as if I've got severe flu all the time (but no fever), extreme weakness, aching all over, joint and muscle pain, shivering and sweating, poor appetite, insomnia. These symptoms have remained much the same since I became ill 30 years ago, but I do have periods of remission, sometimes for years.

This sounds just like me. I have never had the cognitive issues that everyone else talks about (knock on wood). Severe flu feeling all the time. But they can't find anything on any of my tests, so........