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Surprising news on PIP in the UK


Senior Member
Something interesting that you might like to know: PIP acceptance rates are currently running at about 55%. This is higher than the low 40s that DLA usually came in at and way higher than the high 30s rate that early PIP claims seemed to show.

It would seem that being "tough" on the disabled has been largely abandoned now, probably due to the massive queues already waiting for benefit and the fear of further bad headlines and long-running appeals. Bully for us!

However, due to the DLA stats having been removed, I couldn't compare levels of award and, with only 4 components to PIP, rather than 5 to DLA, it seems that plenty of people will end up with less money than they otherwise would have done (there have been stories that far fewer people are getting higher rate mobility than they were). There will also be more frequent reassessments, although there are 5 and 10 year options for the severely disabled, as opposed to the flat 2 years for ESA.

Also, watch out for taxes on disability benefits if the Tories win the election. Remember PRUKs: you have a vote!


Senior Member
I think that this is something the DWP are concerned about and looking to change... I seem to remember that being reported about 9 months ago anyway. I can't really remember the specifics now.


Senior Member
I dunno. Looking at the breakdown, they run very low 'til the end of 2013 (which I'd seen before) then go right up to this higher level after that for all of last year. I have a theory that the market has spoken and all of these companies (ATOS, etc) just start waving people through because they can't do loads of assessments and appeals and actually make any money from it.

The whole thing seems so counter-intuitive though that I can't help thinking they're lulling us into a false sense of security before they pounce and just abolish disability outright.

I'm convinced that the Tories are going to just abolish the WRAG after the election (if they win) and absorb it into JSA, but that's probably another thread.


Senior Member
I expected to see this. In my view it is because of the upcoming election. The attack on the disabled will resume in full force shortly after the government have the safety of another five years before anyone can do anything about it. The sick and disabled are always an easy - and profitable - target and I expect whoever comes to power to have a go; though it's clear that the Conservatives have already drawn up plans to do so if it is them, and I think they would be the worst of the lot in this regard.