Sudden Weakness and Nausea


CFS warrior / survivor
For the past couple of weeks, I have been having bouts of sudden weakness and nausea. :In bed: I don't know if these are CFS symptoms or not, but I have felt very ill and a bit scared.

I plan to talk to my doctor soon but it will still be a couple of weeks before I can get in to see him, so if anyone has any knowledge of symptoms such as these, I would appreciate it if you could share your experience with me.



Senior Member
It could be so many things. Very hard to tell just by these two symptoms. Could it be a stomach virus that you contracted? Have you started any new medications? These are frequent side effects of medications. It could be blood pressure problem. You really need to have a doctor investigate it.
I hope you feel better soon.


iherb code TAK122
Hi lionheart and welcome to the forum, the two symptoms of weakness and nausea are very common in peole with ME. If you explain in a little more detail about how they affect you then this will help others to respond. There was a thread recently which included feelings of sudden weakness, mine is a feeling of all my energy draining out of my legs as if someone has turned a tap on and released it, very unpleasant. You may also find more using the search button, lots to look at on here.


CFS warrior / survivor
Thank you for the welcome and the information! I really don't know how to describe the feelings I have except to say that it seems like sudden weakness followed immediately by waves of nausea and an urge to lie down. Laying down always makes me feel better; (sometimes it is for a 20 minute rest other times it is a 2 hour nap, but it helps until the next round hits). Thankfully it seems to be calming down and I feel as If I am regaining my strength and may be able to handle some solid food for dinner tonight.

I will definitely try to make use fo the search function as it does seem to be a much larger forum than what I am used to.



Senior Member
Sth Australia
I really don't know how to describe the feelings I have except to say that it seems like sudden weakness followed immediately by waves of nausea and an urge to lie down. Laying down always makes me feel better; (sometimes it is for a 20 minute rest other times it is a 2 hour nap, but it helps until the next round hits).

To me thou it also can and does happen with ME.. the way you put those symptoms sound like they are coming in as part of POTS. POTS causes those symptoms too and when POTS caused.. they are relieved by laying down. I find my POTS symptoms come in very suddenly...

I get those symptoms (when not caused post exertionally many hours after exercise), caused throu the POTS (some times I'll get a head pressure or dizziness and tiredness coming in too with those two symptoms you mentioned). You may end up finding yourself collapsing with it.

Get yourself checked for POTS if you have those symptoms happening when upright. You may also find if it is POTS, that keeping your fluids up a lot more may help prevent both those symptoms.


CFS warrior / survivor
Thank you for sharing your experiences with me!!! I will check into POTS and see my doctor about it soon. I appreciate your support and encouragement!!!


Senior Member
hello hope that you are feeling better it is a good idea to see what your doctor is very hard to tell with cfs...or fibro when anything happens becasuse it seems like a million other illness come after it..

maybe you are dehydrated? if this is new to you maybe you need to get more water ice popcicles and see how you feel then?

i have ibs also..and stay weak and nauseated and vomit...i hate it...

hope you have a great weekend and again feel better


CFS warrior / survivor
As of yesterday, the diagnosis is severe IBS, with dehydration. I am being given a new medication to help with the diarrhea and am scheduled for a colonoscopy next week, I am told to drink more water and sports drinks.

I also suffered a bout of bronchitis following my last post and I've thankfully recovered from that. So I have spent the better part of the past month feeling sick, but with the new medications, and treatment for IBS, anxiety, and insomnia... I am starting to feel better again and feel as if I am finally regaining my strength. (dare I hope)?

Thanks to all who replied to my posts when I was ill, it makes a big difference to feel as though one is not alone in the battle against this disease.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Great to hear that you are doing a bit better. It really does help to be treating all those annoying coexisting issues which come in with ME/CFS.


CFS warrior / survivor
I threw up the laxative preparation they gave me to take before the colonoscopy. So I had to take MiraLax and it too made me vomit.:( Anyways as it turns out, I had colon polyps. They were removed last week and the labs came back normal, so no signs of cancer. :thumbsup: So no more colonoscopies for 5 more years.

I have GERD and severe IBS and I guess the two in combination are causing the nausea. The sudden weakness and nausea are both being attributed by my doctor to anxiety. (I do have an anxiety disorder as well which tends to manifest itself in physical symptoms). I am being treated for anxiety and insomnia (finally), so I am doing a little better.

Thanks again to all who have replied.


Senior Member
Virginia, USA
I have GERD and severe IBS and I guess the two in combination are causing the nausea.

GERD, maybe caused by achlorhydria? Have you been tested for Helicobacter pylori infection? Do you have gastritis?

Regarding IBS, it is doctor code for "we don't know what is happening but we are going to call it IBS so that we don't look like ignorant dufuses". Have you had a combined lactulose hydrogen/methane breath test done? Note that hydrogen breath test alone is not enough. You may also request an empirical treatment with high dosage Xifaxan to see what happens. This is what cured my "IBS" a few years ago.

The sudden weakness and nausea are both being attributed by my doctor to anxiety.

Of course, it could also be due to elevated levels of D-lactate caused by gut dysbiosis/bacterial overgrowth. See this:

Probiotics Provoked D-lactic Acidosis in Short Bowel Syndrome: Case Report and Literature Review


CFS warrior / survivor
:thumbsup: I was tested for Heliocbacter pylori many years ago, but may request a retest. I don't have gastritis but did suffer from Barret's esophagitis due to GERD and I have fecal incontinence, which they are saying is IBS/Anxiety. But I have found that the doctors like to say everything is anxiety because I am disabled with a stress disorder. sux.:confused:

Thanks for the link I will definitely check it out!!!!:balloons:


Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
This has been discussed in a methylation thread. I started methylation protocols a while ago. Three days later I crashed as most do. I identified the symptoms as a typical sudden weakness type crash, but the thought is its due to low potassium. This can happen suddenly in us. Two symptoms of low potassium are nausea and weakness. If potassium gets too low it can be very dangerous. This requires medical advice. Bye, Alex


Senior Member
Virginia, USA
I was tested for Heliocbacter pylori many years ago, but may request a retest.

Please, do retest. That bug is very nasty and caused me a great deal of both physical and emotional pain. After testing positive for the thing, it took me more than a year to get rid of it, with several rounds of antibiotics.

GERD and I have fecal incontinence, which they are saying is IBS/Anxiety.

I am pretty sure that the "it's all in your head" is the kind of thing most if not all of the people in this forum have heard. It's doctor code for "we have no clue!"

Regarding fecal incontinence, is it partial or total? You may have something called Steatorrhea.

But I have found that the doctors like to say everything is anxiety because I am disabled with a stress disorder.

Have you had the chance to look into/start the methylation protocol? If not, have a look at the "Detox: Methylation\B12\Glutathione\Chelation\..." subforum and read the "stickies". In particular, pay special attention to Rich's "Documents by Rich Van Konynenburg: Parts 1-7".

There is hope. Good luck!


CFS warrior / survivor
Thank you Alex. I am doing better since being placed on a medicine called dicyclomine and on an anti-anxiety medication. The fecal incontinence and diarrhea have stopped. The nausea has been reduced but is not completely gone. I've not had any periods of sudden weakness in a while, but I am still cautious and I will be sure to keep my potassium levels up.


CFS warrior / survivor
Thank you Nanonug for the info and link. I will definitely check it out! Although I am doing better, I am still suspicious that the current medication is not going to work on a long-term basis, but we'll see, I guess. The fecal incontinence was total, but I have been having reg BM's since starting medication for anxiety/insomnia and a med for diarrhea and muscle spasms in the intestines.

Still I will get myself rechecked and read the links you have provided for me. Thanks for taking the time to reply!



Senior Member
Sth Australia
I have GERD and severe IBS and I guess the two in combination are causing the nausea. The sudden weakness and nausea are both being attributed by my doctor to anxiety. (I do have an anxiety disorder as well which tends to manifest itself in physical symptoms). I am being treated for anxiety and insomnia (finally), so I am doing a little better.

Thanks again to all who have replied.

With the suddenly weakness and nausea, I still think you could on top of what u already been diagnosed with.. you may have POTS which is a type of dysautonomia. (Dysautonomia is dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system which controls various functions in the body including your bowels).

POTS is VERY COMMON in me/cfs people, quite a normal coexisting condition for us to have. POTS can also itself cause the symptom of anxiety, it also can cause IBS. Doctors put far too much down to just anxiety.

Be aware that also food intollerances are also very common in us..they too can cause those symptoms including sudden weakness, anxiety, bowel issues etc.

I do suggest you look into this all further rather to try to make sure you dont have more underlaying coexisting with ME/CFS conditions, then just putting it all down to anxiety and IBS. By working out your underlaying conditions, you can be treated better.

(my anxiety attacks and IBS may of all be due to the POTS I have, my GERD turned out to be due to issues with my insulin.. I was treated for GERD for years before I found out another condition was causing it and since Ive treated that other condition, I dont get GERD any more). Try to find out the whys of the conditions you have...