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Studys that Show Connection between EBV and cfs

Graz, Austria
Sry dont know If i Post it in the right section of the Forum...but bt ad hard for me

I am looking for as much studies that Proof or suggest a Connection between Infections Like EBV and cfs?
And studys that Proof that cbt and activate is ineffective and Potentialy harmful for people with CFS...
I Neef to disproof the wessley Modell of the disease...
Would bei grateful for any help
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Senior Member
i think thats a rare cause for CFS

According to Dr Chia's research, enterovirus is linked to 50% of ME/CFS cases. So it is common.

You will not find the same level of evidence for herpesviruses, because although there are studies showing high antibody titers to herpesviruses in ME/CFS, there are very few studies that actually locate herpesvirus infections in the muscle, stomach or brain tissues in ME/CFS. I only know one study that found EBV in the muscles. High antibody titers are not direct evidence of the virus, only finding the virus RNA or DNA or viral protein is direct evidence.

For enteroviruses, there are lots of studies showing enterovirus RNA and enterovirus protein in the tissues.
Graz, Austria
I think Dr chia ist wrong...
Maybe There are multiple disease with the Same Symptoms Put together into one...
I remember a Video of a CFS conference, where even one Guy fromm the wessley school showed evidence that CFS Starts in Most cases with EBV...so thought Dr Lerner...There are so many cases that i ve Read where IT all started with EBV...for example Olaf Bodden

I think You wont find high titers of EBV because cause the Infections itself ist Not active anymore...Just the immune reaction


Senior Member
I think Dr chia ist wrong...

Statements like that do not mean much unless you explain your reasoning.

In any case, most of the evidence for enterovirus in ME/CFS does not come from Dr Chia, but from a long list of British studies dating back to 1970 — studies which are found in the link I gave you above. These studies found actual evidence of enterovirus infection in the muscles, when muscle tissue was biopsied.

I remember a Video of a CFS conference, where even one Guy fromm the wessley school showed evidence that CFS Starts in Most cases with EBV

That sounds wrong: 90% of adults already have EBV, and most people first catch EBV as a teenager or in their early 20s. If most cases of ME/CFS were due to EBV, then you might expect that ME/CFS would almost always first appear in teenagers or people in their 20s. But lots of people get ME/CFS when they are 30 to 60 — see this graph of the age of onset.

I think You wont find high titers of EBV because cause the Infections itself ist Not active anymore...Just the immune reaction

You do find high titers in EBV-associated ME/CFS, but some researchers say that high titers are not evidence of the virus, but due to immune dysfunction which creates high titers. That is why it is important to provide actual evidence of the virus, if you want to try to convince people that the infection is still present.
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Graz, Austria
I dont wamt to convince people, that the Virus ist still present.
I think the Thing about CFS ist, that the immune Response to a Virus persists even through the Infections itself is Not active anymore
Der Chronic microglial activation in CFS
CFS brain inflammation
Graz, Austria
Havent Seen the Video Foto ages, cant find IT anymore...anyway EBV hast the Potential to reactivate, and in the Video He claimed, that CFS never Starts with a normal Flur, but with ebv


Senior Member
Havent Seen the Video Foto ages, cant find IT anymore...anyway EBV hast the Potential to reactivate, and in the Video He claimed, that CFS never Starts with a normal Flur, but with ebv

In the 1980's many people thought ME/CFS was equal to chronic EBV infection. We now know that's not true, or at least there is no particular reason to think that only EBV can cause ME/CFS. Most people already get infected with EBV when they are kids or teens (this is why EBV mononucleosis is often referred to as "kissing disease"), but ME/CFS tends to start later in life.


Senior Member
I think the Thing about CFS ist, that the immune Response to a Virus persistent, even through the Infections itself is Not active anymore

That is an interesting theory, but how does this theory explain the fact that interferon alpha treatment (which targets enteroviruses) is very effective at treating enterovirus ME/CFS, and will often allow severe bedbound patients to return to work? Also, antivirals like Valcyte (which target herpesviruses) can sometimes lead to major improvements in ME/CFS as well.


Senior Member
Hi @carmadw, maybe this is of interest to you.
(An article from the German Association for ME/CFS about the work from Prof. Carmen Scheibenbogen et al., about the EBV immune response in PwME .)

In my case, I don't think that EBV plays/played a role as a trigger.
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Senior Member
I'm ebv onset and have rare genes missing (foxc1)so think this is source of my problem with ebv


Senior Member
Valcyte ist also a very potent microglial Inhibitor...

It used to be thought that, but a later study showed that Valcyte does not inhibit microglia.

As well as Valcyte, there is also the example of interferon: when John Chia used a combination of interferon alpha and interferon delta on 11 severe enterovirus ME/CFS patients, 6 returned to work as a result. See his paper. But unfortunately the patients then relapsed around 5 months later, probably because the virus was not fully eliminated by interferon.

If you want some studies which show ME/CFS appears after mononucleosis (glandular fever), there are a lot of those: