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Study reveals Ebola virus can hide in brain, persist even years after treatment published Feb 9/22


Senior Member

specifically in the brain ventricular system, in which cerebrospinal fluid is produced, circulated, and contained -- even when Ebola virus was cleared from all other organs."

"During the past several years, Zeng's team at USAMRIID has performed systematic studies of Ebola virus persistence using nonhuman primate survivors as a model. That research showed that the virus, despite being cleared from all other organs, can hide and persist in specific regions of immune-privileged organs -- such as the vitreous chamber of eyes, the seminiferous tubules of testes, and the ventricular system of brain reported in this study."


Senior Member
Groundbreaking to hear that viruses can remain hidden in bodies! Who could have imagined? (Said every stupid useless ID doctor I've seen over the years about COVID research, after I repeatedly asked that same question of every doctor after getting ill in SE Asia and never getting better. Of course I was always dismissed with their godlike confidence.)

EDIT: Obviously the study is interesting, I'm just in a foul mood these days and venting because nothing I'm trying is working lately.


Senior Member
Groundbreaking to hear that viruses can remain hidden in bodies! Who could have imagined? (Said every stupid useless ID doctor I've seen over the years about COVID research, after I repeatedly asked that same question of every doctor after getting ill in SE Asia and never getting better. Of course I was always dismissed with their godlike confidence.)

EDIT: Obviously the study is interesting, I'm just in a foul mood these days and venting because nothing I'm trying is working lately.

You are not wrong, they seem to be confirming this is the case for each virus individually and presenting it like its novel whereas it does seem the default is that any virus we catch is more than likely sticking with us for life.


Senior Member
they seem to be confirming this is the case for each virus individually and presenting it like its novel

Yeah, I think you summed up my frustration. The 50th time you read a study about viruses persisting, it's hard to believe that will leave to anything other than a 51st breathless study.

It would be nice if they accepted that viruses can do harm beyond the acute phase and start researching what to do about it. But instead we get another primate study dissecting brains. How exciting.