In my 28 years of suffering from M.E, I mainly haven't taken vitamins or drugs. I've had periods like everyone else when things have been tried but I keep getting caught by the works for a few weeks/months and then things rebalance trap. So I give up and a couple of years later I try again. I've had periods of significant pain where I've not taken anything, I've had periods where I have, through most of the last 2 and a half years I've had easy access to opiates, which work for some types of pain but make others worse, I've had periods within that 2 and a half years where painkillers have got me slightly stoned so I've assumed they're unnecessary so I haven't taken any, sometimes it's been fine, sometimes I've regretted it.
Chamomile tea, people don't like me on chamomile tea, I feel fine, maybe even happy (not a normal state for me), other people say I'm suicidal, but what's really off putting is that I am cheerfully suicidal.
I disagree with the comment about never needing vitamins before, people should survive off natural nutrients. With modern farming the food chain is broken, many vegetables contain a small percentage of the minerals they did even 50 years ago, the famous, often given example, being spinach having 10 times less nutritional value than it did 50 years ago. So if you don;t want to eat a wheelbarrow of the stuff - maybe careful supplementation is a good idea, and I don';t mean getting the cheapest multivit you can find.