Sth Aust. CFS study needs non CFS people for control group.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Dr Richard Kwiatek is apparently having trouble getting people for the CONTROL GROUP of healthy peoples for his CFS brain-scan study and urgently needs volunteers.

The big catch is they cant be family to CFS people or be living with one of us.. so will need to be neighbours, aquaintences and friends.

If anyone in Sth Australia knows anyone HEALTHY (so non CFS) aged between 18-50 years and who fits this control group criteria and would partake in this study....get them to ring (08) 8267 1767.
(I think it involves spect scans and possibly MRI if it is anything like studies he's done in the past but ring and find out if you know someone who will be a control for us).

This study is properly approved by The Queen Elizabeth Hospital and another study the Mason Foundation is funding (along with JT Reid.. I dont know who he/she is thou).


Senior Member
Sth Australia
They wouldnt have a lot of money.. they have to rely on donations. Thou approved by a government hospital, its not funded by the hospital.

I do know thou that when I partook in a study in the past in which Dr Richard Kwiatek was doing along with some other CFS researchers here, the Adelaide CFS research group (I suppose its the same group doing this study as I think it is follow on stuff from their previous ones), I was given money to cover my petrol costs to get there and back.