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Stem cell video,


Senior Member
if stem cells cause cells to divide faster (he mentions this several times...), then wouldn't that be a bad thing if you've got some "bad" cells? eg cancer, a benign but obstructive tumor, etc..

interesting comments re effects on mitochondria ~30 minutes in..

Last - I would love to know how this compares to IVIG.. Sounds like there are some similarities re boosting immune system via transplanting immune blood products..


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
if stem cells cause cells to divide faster (he mentions this several times...), then wouldn't that be a bad thing if you've got some "bad" cells? eg cancer, a benign but obstructive tumor, etc..

interesting comments re effects on mitochondria ~30 minutes in..

Last - I would love to know how this compares to IVIG.. Sounds like there are some similarities re boosting immune system via transplanting immune blood products..

I do recall that dr saying that the particular stem cell they use doesnt effect cancer cells. Towards the end he seems to mention alot that tge stem cells dont target anything particular but the chemicals secreted by the stem cells turns down inflammation etc.

I need to watch it again but it seems theres different types of stem cells and some work directly and others produce chemicals that effect the body in different ways or alters the inflammatory process of the immune system.

It sounds promising for many conditions but due to regulations its a slow process.