SSA Disability Update Form?


Senior Member
Has anyone filled out the SSA 455 disability update form for SSDI lately? I have a diagnosis of CFS and got my form recently and I am wondering if anyone has tips?


Senior Member
Northern California
@SnappingTurtle : thank you for contributing such a great resource! Yesterday, I did a practice draft of the form, but now I will re-read this website more carefully before finalizing and submitting. Thanks!

@acer2000: Hello! I just wanted to say that I am also required to complete that SSDI from at this time. In addition to the great information provided by Snapping Turtle, I have one more tip to add.

My form is asking for information from Summer 2022 through present. Just like the SSA and other long-term disability providers "cherry pick" which medical records they review and consider in their determination to continue benefits, I have learned to do the same. So yesterday I spent some time going through my DayPlaners and medical records to select the 3 most *compelling* recent office visits rather than just, literally, the 3 last office visits I've had. Hope that makes sense and is helpful to you!
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Senior Member
@SnappingTurtle : thank you for contributing such a great resource! Yesterday, I did a practice draft of the form, but now I will re-read this website more carefully before finalizing and submitting. Thanks!

@acer2000: Hello! I just wanted to say that I am also required to complete that SSDI from at this time. In addition to the great information provided by Snapping Turtle, I have one more tip to add.

My form is asking for information from Summer 2022 through present. Just like the SSA and other long-term disability providers "cherry pick" which medical records they review and consider in their determination to continue benefits, I have learned to do the same. So yesterday I spent some time going through my DayPlaners and medical records to select the 3 most *compelling* recent office visits rather than just, literally, the 3 last office visits I've had. Hope that makes sense and is helpful to you!

I was going to ask about this. Question 5 just says "3 most recent visits". But in my case my most recent 3 visits weren't to do with CFS, but other things. I have to go back further in the 2 year period to list 3 CFS appointments. Did you read guidance on this or talk to SSA? My first instinct was to list the 3 CFS visits during that period, but maybe for some reason they want the 3 most recent Drs appts if they are just for random things? Also did you send in the paper form or do the online one?
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Senior Member
Northern California
Hi, @acer2000

I ended up doing the online form, as the mail service in my city is iffy and I wanted to expedite delivery.

I was NOT able to print out a copy of the online form, which strikes me as very odd, so I filled out the paper form for my personal records.

I did not discuss the "three most recent visits" section with anyone at the SSA. For better, or worse, I trusted my gut.

Like you, if I included my last 3 trips to the doctor, it would include such things as a trip to the ENT for sinusitis, which isn't very compelling.

So, I chose the 3 most recent visits relevant to the diagnoses that got me approved in the first place.

Best of luck to you (and me)!


Senior Member
I ended up doing the online form. I was able to download the PDF of the completed form and save it. I was worried about this because some posts online mentioned trouble with this. Hopefully it worked OK. I guess I will find out!