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SolveCFS BioBank Webinar


Senior Member
For those interested in learning more about the SolveCFS Biobank, the next CFIDS Association webinar will feature Dr. Suzanne Vernon and Dr. Liz Horn (from Genetic Alliance):

The SolveCFS BioBank

Date: Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Time: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EDT
Registration Page: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/974156481

Learn more about the CFIDS Association's most recent -- and most ambitious -- research project, the SolveCFS BioBank. Association scientific director Suzanne Vernon, PhD and Liz Horn, PhD, MBI, director of the Genetic Alliance BioBank will share information and discuss the ways in which this biorepository enables patients to participate directly in cutting-edge research.

The SolveCFS BioBank collects and stores a bank of biological samples (such as blood, tissue, cells and DNA) and clinical information from well-characterized CFS patients. Using the biobanking infrastructure created by the Genetic Alliance, the SolveCFS BioBank ensures that individual privacy and confidentiality are protected and that samples are available to researchers whose research projects have been reviewed and approved by the CFIDS Association of America Medical Research Advisory Committee. Our announcement about the SolveCFS BioBank is at http://www.cfids.org/biobank/announcement.asp.

Through the SolveCFS BioBank, individuals can enroll once and will then contribute information to multiple projects, advancing our understanding of CFS on multiple fronts.

Join us to learn more about this exciting research initiative.