I cannot speak with experience as I've only had mine done through one company, but I'm pretty sure the trend is to go with 23andMe. They are extremely professional and the cheapest
I went with 23and me for the price and the amount of SNPs they cover. From what I've read a lot of the accusations of inaccuracy are actually people misunderstanding how to interpret the results.
Hi, I'm also interested in doing the 23andMe test.
Are there any hidden costs for 23andMe test. According there site the cost for me would be 99$ for the kit and 80$ for international shipping (Belgium). A total cost of 180$ or 140 €. Are there any other cost. Like shipping's cost for returning the sample or cost to get the results. I believe everything is included, right?
Are there important SNP's missing (CFS/methylation wise)
Do the results need to be converted or decoded before then can be used like they are used on this site. So yes, how do I do this. Any good references?
How important are these to solve methylation (cfs) problem. I also read that the 23andMe test, test for 1 million SNP's?? I'm not sure that's true, but why are then the above missing. They seam important for autism, cfs, etc ..
I suppose the alternative would be 'Nutrigenomic' test from Holistic Health? Cost 499$ ? Something I can't afford.