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Skip Pridgen's Phase II Clinical Trial Results Published

Never Give Up

Collecting improvements, until there's a cure.
Cort has written up a summary here:


The original 26 page paper is here:


Cutting to the chase:

1. statistically significant improvements in pain, fatigue, IBS, and depression were present,

2. Dr. Pridgen expects more robust results when he is allowed to use higher doses of the drugs in the phase III trials which they are now gearing up for, and

3. "analysis of FM patients gut tissue is complete and that the data that emerged “far surpassed” their expectations".

Never Give Up

Collecting improvements, until there's a cure.
He had originality said to have found active HSV-1 viral proteins in over 90% of FM patients' gut biopsy samples. That finding alone is impressive. The treatment results, not so much.
Do you remember what percentage of controls he originally said had HSV-1?


Senior Member
Great that he's got funding for clinical trials later this year. Looks like the fatigue score will need some scrutiny though to check it is meaningful.


Alone & Wandering
Zogor-Ndreaj, Shkodër, Albania
Do you remember what percentage of controls he originally said had HSV-1?

I haven't talked to him in over a year but the patients were at 95% and controls at 1% or 3% (cannot remember which).

I remember asking him why, if he believes active HSV1 to be the true cause of FM, active proteins were not found in 100% of patients,
He told me it was very likely that the biopsy sample was not of tissue with residing HSV1,
He was sure subsequent biopsies would prove 100% active HSV1 in all patients.

Never Give Up

Collecting improvements, until there's a cure.
I haven't talked to him in over a year but the patients were at 95% and controls at 1% or 3% (cannot remember which).

I remember asking him why, if he believes active HSV1 to be the true cause of FM, active proteins were not found in 100% of patients,
He told me it was very likely that the biopsy sample was not of tissue with residing HSV1,
He was sure subsequent biopsies would prove 100% active HSV1 in all patients.
That's very impressive.


Senior Member
South East, England
Interesting! I doubt I'd qualify for fibro diagnosis as tender points and pain are not key symptoms for me. However, one of my oldest and most consistent symptoms has been throbbing calf pain, usually delayed after exertion or poor sleep.

I had the exact same throbbing pain, but very much amplified and present in both legs, for a few days and appeared to be prodromal to an episode of HSV-1 reactivation (confirmed later by swab).


Senior Member
I find this interesting. I've had ME for 24 years and was recently given high dose acyclovir for shingles. I felt better while I was on it in the sense that I had noticeably more energy could function at a higher level. I had a lot of viral symptoms but then I had shingles. It was my first experience of an anti herpes drug.


Senior Member
United States, New Hampshire
Dr. Pridgen seems to think there's an underlying immune system problem that allows the HSV1 to flourish, according to Cort Johnson.

If I remember correctly, Dr. Pridgen believes that an immune problem exists in FM (and ME/CFS) patients which allows HSV-1 to flourish

So the real cause (from Dr.Prigen's view) is not the virus itself, but the immune system problems/dysfunction that allow it to reactivate. I am treating my immune system dysfunction, as I believe it is one of the core issues in causing cfs.
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