Simple Handwritten Ledger??


Senior Member
I am getting to a point where I almost - almost - do not trust myself with my own money. I just do not have the mental recall I once had of how my budget is working out for a month. There is a tendency now to spend it twice mentally, forgetting a previous mental note of a need. In the past, I have been a frugal and careful money manager for the most part.

The past few years, keeping a checkbook has been overwhelming, mostly because everything is paid online directly out of an account. I simply did not do it for months. It was easier to just let the deposits and bills happen and stay one jump ahead of the balance.

I think I am ready to manage this better and feel I could squeeze a few more needed items out of my budget if I could pin it down better. The best way for me right now would be to set up checking, credit cards, and cash on one ledger. Problem is, I honestly cannot remember how to do it. Everyone I know does it all on the computer now and really will not help me.

It is needful for me to do the math and do it by hand the old-fashioned way, tangible as possible, so I not only have the mental exercise, I can see where it needs to go.

Can anyone show me a clear photo of a double page of simple bookkeeping, handwritten, to model after? That is all I need. It almost seems silly that I honestly cannot think how to do this.
I don't have the model page but I can describe it. First start with a checkbook register format. (Example at ) Then add columns to the right for each credit card and for cash. Then when you add items you add or deduct only from one account. So you can see the balance of all your accounts. It could be useful to have a column where you also write down which account, to avoid mistakes, or use a different color for each account.


Senior Member
Once upon a time, I kept detailed Excel files complete with formulas embedded.

Once upon a time, I kept a handwritten ledger for my massage business.

Everything I have pulled up for reference from my own records looks like it was written in Japanese. My accountants liked it back in the day. :thumbdown: All the functional progress I have made, and this evades me.

I like the color-coding idea.


Senior Member

Thanks. Your ideas in mind helped me recover a piece of my old habits. I managed to set up a good system, and right away found the "holes" I am hoping to plug. I am just glad I do not have to do anybody else's book keeping right now. That would be hard!

Thanks for the help.