Side effects and benefits from RS and C. Butyricum


Senior Member
What are the side effects of RS and C. butyricum ? I've started both at very low doses after one month on
the antibiotic neomycin for SIBO-C. (Also began the Perfect Health Diet)

Often the long post as on both the above threads can be overwhelming and difficult to extract the meaningful
information, I've off and on read through both, but can't seem to glean much more than, go slow.

My stomach/gut has been pretty bad, pain, reflux, serious constipation, so I want to make good choices
on treatment and because of my difficulty I'm more than a little concerned.

What's your experience of either, good and bad?


Senior Member
Southeastern United States
Alas, it's hard to tell what is a "side effect" meaning stop taking this product it's causing damage, and what is just the gut microbes "rebalancing" and causing some symptoms that might soon dissipate.

So although I have some negative effects from resistant starch, I don't know if that means stop taking it, or keep taking it but at a lesser dose.

The negatives I've had are common: gas, some further constipation issues, a little insomnia. All stopped when I stopped the resistant starch, but I do plan on trying it again, at lower dose and this time mixed with insoluble fiber and real cooked-cooled potatoes, to hopefully deliver RS to the lower colon instead of letting it ferment up high.

Who knows.


Senior Member
Southeastern United States
BTW, people who are really focused on the gut might not see this thread, in this "general discussion" part of the forums. I know I tend to just visit the subforum called "The Gut..."

Lately I started also visiting the one called "General Treatment", which is different than this general discussion subforum but the only reason I started going to see the "General treatment" page is because the C Butyricum thread lives there, otherwise my gut-related reading might not have taken me there.


Senior Member
thank you South, I'll visit both sub forums. Maybe post something there. Trying to get a clue to
managing my stomach issues as I finish up on the antibiotic. I screwed up last year while doing
4 months of antibiotics for suspected lyme, dosing with 4 or more probiotics taken together, this led to SIBO.