Should I try anti-virals again after a vaccine made my ME/CFS much worse?


Senior Member
Prior to getting the Aztra Zenica Vaccine I had been on a steady road of improvement - i was running and doing push ups. Since getting AZ I am far worse - cannot walk very far, cannot read/concentrate and am have reactions to supplements that were previously ok (that are permanent - i.e the reaction contnues permanently after I stop taking them).

Prior to AZ I did a 3 month course of Aciclovir (prescibed by DR Bansal in the UK), which had no noticeable effect during the time i took it, however a year later (and after spending 3 months in a warmer climate) I started to improve quite rapidly and which kept increasing, until I had the AZ jab. I am considering trying a course of Valacyclovir or Aciclovir, not prescribed by a doctor this time (because money), but I can buy these from an Indian pharmacy very easily (Unitedpharmacies i think it's called). I would like some advice on whether this is a safe thing to do - when i took acicolvir before I felt absolutely nothing. No improvement or anything - can antivirals have a delayed reaction like this?

My instinct is that the AZ vaccine gave me long covid, which is now what the main problem is, so perhaps taking antivirals again might be something that could help?
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Senior Member
Perhaps the vaccine over stimulated your immune system?
That may be more likely, I've no idea. However, i remember it was a week after i had the vaccine and i was out with a friend and crashed really badly, which hadn't happened in ages. Over the next months i observed the feeling of this new relapse (which never improved) and it felt subtly different - similar when describing it, but in experience it wasnt the same; like a new illness had installed itself next to the original one. At the time i was also reading descriptions people were giving of long covid and how with some non-MRNA's (such as the AZ vax) a piece of the virus contained in the vaccine could be creating LC. My totally unscientific fantasy hypothesis was that the immune-deficiencies created by ME/CFS meant that the vaccine simply couldnt work the way it should and that instead the piece of C19 deployed in it was treated in the same way as HSV-1 or EBV had been treated by the illness; in the way the illness seems to allow some viruss to permanently modify your immune system by sending it chasing after some phantom issue forever.


Senior Member
Montana, USA
Hey there. @cporro has posted on vaccine injury here on PR which actually lists some websites with doctors and treatments for vaccine injury that is specific to COVID-19 if you read after some of the questions I asked on there.

There's also discussion on the spike protein and COVID-19 vaccines as it relates to vaccine injury, even by the NIH National Library of Medicine. @linusbert listed this article on the spike detox protocol in one of my posts: and my CFS doctor had me on something similar already. I don't have vaccine injury but I've had COVID-19 twice and it has been bad news on top of my CFS.

Best wishes on your treatment.