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Self-pacing University


Senior Member
I saw this on CNN and thought it might be interesting for people in the US (and maybe abroad?) that haven't been able to complete a degree due our fluctuating physical and cognitive limitations: http://schoolsofthought.blogs.cnn.c...pace-at-school-without-boundaries/?hpt=hp_bn1

The only drawback I could see in the article is that they only offer degrees in business, IT, teacher education, and health care. And the flat rate per term is more useful for people that can handle a full time class load.


Senior Member
Olympic Peninsula, Washington
Thanks for posting this Valentijn. Hopefully, with schooling becoming so distance oriented, more possibilities will become available, and better ones. Now it seems their "cred" isn't always the best or their costs are absurd, but I sure would like to be able to pursue further ed at some point and have the option of an actual credential for all I've been studying!