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Selenium for the liver - acute pain


Senior Member
Since the only organ that shows affected in my tests is the liver (with raise AST-ALT and high cholesterol) qnd my doctor suspects autoinmune hepatitis i decided to add to my supplements selenium, which i read was good for the liver. Also, i have been taking milk thistle for a year.

So, today was the first day that i took selenium in the morning. The day went through normally, i didn't feel anything special. But a few minutes ago, a pain in my liver started and now i am worried. It's an acute pain, to the right side up in my abdomen, and it feels very bad. I had never felt any pain in my liver before. Now i don't know if i should continue with my selenium experiment or is it too soon to give up, after only one pill?

I don't know if i will be able to sleep with the pain


Senior Member
Ventura, CA
Can't you try and get the selenium from diet? There is a lot of foods you can try that will well cover beyond the rdv for it. I hear some mixed issues with supplemented selenium mainly that it raises blood sugar levels. I never heard of liver issues from selenium either though.
South Dakota
If that pain goes through to your back, I'd suspect gall bladder getting involved, maybe trying to dump some sludge or stones. That would probably bring nausea with it. Keep us posted. Blessings to you!


Senior Member
I did manage to sleep last night but had very heavy dreams.

Today i woke up without the pain, but with a really bad hang over, like i had drank a bottle of tequila, which i didn't by the way je! sounds like my liver is overwhelmed. I will continue to take the selenium a little bit more, to see what happens.

@adreno it didn't feel like a detox, it was like stabbing pain. :(

@Martial for some reason, not discovered yet, i have bad absorption syndrome, even though i eat healthy i don't get enough nutrients and i still have to take large amounts of vitamins. So, i started with 100 mcg of selenium and i won't raise it.

@Gloria H fortunally, the pain was very local and it didn't pass to my back. Now it's gone, if it were gallbladder stone i guess it would persist. Thank you for your concern, i will keep posting as things evolve.


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
The hangover feeling does sound like your liver is overwhelmed. Some 10 years ago my liver was toxic and I had that hangover/sick feeling alot. I eventually did a liver detox under the supervision of my chiropractor who does muscle testing. It was a bit rough, took a month, but afterwards my liver was much better.

Also, your bad absorption may be due to low stomach acid, which is extremely common with CFS, only doctors don't test for this. And low HCL can contribute to liver and gallbladder problems. If you don't have enough stomach acid, you won't absorb your food or supplements properly. Unfortunately, most doctors know very little about proper nutrition - they just don't check for low stomach acid.

After the liver detox, with my chiro's help, I learned I needed to take HCL with most meals (especially those high in protein or with meat and other things that are hard to digest), and this together with the detox improved my digestion 99%. If you can find a chiropractor who does muscle testing, you might be very pleasantly surprised at the help they can give you.



Senior Member
You might want to try taking some Kefir, it's the most powerful probiotic available and I think it could help fix your malabsorption issues.



Senior Member
@Mary thank you. I think i have a toxic liver. I am very interested in knowing your liver detox protocol, if you would like to share with me. I am tired of the hangover feeling, if at least i had drank some alcohol i would stand it, but being almost abstemious it's really annoying. I will start taking some HCL to see if it helps.

@Jammy88 i am not a big fan of dairy because it usually makes my pain worse, but i do take probiotics every night


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
Andre - The liver detox protocol I followed used two Standard Process products - Parotid PMG and Cholacol II. The chiropractor determined these were what I needed based on muscle testing. I had heavy exposure to chemical solvents at a job I had when I was 19, and muscle testing indicated the chemical solvents were a major factor in my toxic liver some 30 years later. I think the Parotid was specific for chemical toxins, and the Cholacol II is more for a general detoxification. I stuck with his protocol for 30 days as I recall. It was kind of rough, but afterwards I was so glad I had stuck it out.

I think it could be very helpful if you could see a chiropractor who does this testing who could help determine what exactly is going on with your liver - they can often determine what type of toxins you're dealing with. In the absence of that testing, and for general detox purposes, I think Cholacol II would be very good. Lemon juice is also very cleansing and milk thistle is very good for liver support and repair.

Muscle testing can also help determine the cause of your malabsorption. Around the same time as my liver was toxic, my gallbladder wasn't functioning very well either - I had pain in my right side, although I didn't have gallstones. The chiro helped me with this too, using another Standard Process product, AF Betafood. So he helped me clean up my liver, get my gallbladder functioning well again and discovered I needed the HCL.

In general the SP products are only available through health care practitioners, although I have seen them sold on Amazon, but generally at 2 to 3 times the cost.

So you could look up these products on-line, find their ingredients and try to get the equivalent. Or you can go to the SP website and they have a search feature where you can find practitioners who use their products or go to the yellow pages and do some research on chiropractors in your area.

Another detox product is black Spanish radish, and I know there are a lot more.

Good luck --
