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Scientists May Have Found the Key to Curing Autism, Cancer and HIV 3/23/16 via US News


senior member
Concord, NH
The cures for some of the world's most perplexing diseases might be closer than we think.

According to a study published in Cell, researchers have determined how to isolate and edit messenger RNA that carries genetic instructions from the cell's nucleus to make new proteins for the first time using gene-editing tool Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats, also known as CRISPR-Cas9.




Senior Member
Its great news but do you think Big Pharma, the Insurance Companies and the NIH really want these things cured quickly?

I have been asking myself more and more as watch documentaries coming out of the US from Food, medicine, climate change...whatever....and see how large corps, governments and agencies muzzle breakthroughs in so many areas

The US and Giant Corps have one primary purpose and this is to drive a profit....

Think if they cured HIV...65 +....expensive drugs would be thrown out....when millions of people world not have to suffer, but this is a huge loss to big pharma....

Now apply this model to CFS....loss of tax payer money for NIH studies....government and universities have to add change and teach new curiculum...more tax payer money....Insurance has to pay disability to CFS patient for a life time...new drugs will take 5-7 years for approval...loss off money upfront on new drug development and potential for not working....loss in revenue to big pharma for pain, sleep, Abx, anti virals, anti depressants, and every other drug we get fed......

And you wonder why they want to not solve this....they will lose a lot of money upfront because the ME/CFS stats are through the rough...millions suffer in the US

Ok so now that I spilt the s***t. We are as community and world as a whole is getting better at causing grief to the "Giants" and with social media etc. We have way more hope now more than ever...
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senior member
Concord, NH
Its great news but do you think Big Pharma, the Insurance Companies and the NIH really want these things cured quickly?

Ok so now that I spilt the s***t. We are as community and world as a whole is getting better at causing grief to the "Giants" and with social media etc. We have way more hope now more than ever...

Yeah, good point, that is why I LOVE the independent organizations that have popped up and are doing studies. And luckily the USA is going to go bankrupt on our current trajectory of spending!

So perhaps the upheavals in both parties will lead to more awareness of how screwed up this country and the world is, and lead to tearing down old useless bureaucracies, and free up money for big advances in the near future!
