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Scientists Find Way to "Kick" HIV Out of its Hiding Spots


Senior Member
East Coast USA


senior member
Concord, NH
"A drug used to treat alcoholism also wakes up latent HIV reservoirs hiding in the bodies of people with HIV.that’s good news because now scientists have found a way to “kick” HIV out of its hiding spots with a drug that isn’t toxic."

First paragraph, what is the drug that is used to treat alcoholism they are referring to? Am I missing it, or is not mentioned? Wondering if it might be in the LDN family?



Stop the harm. Start the research and treatment.
Toronto, Canada

"Although disulfiram rouses HIV out of hiding, that’s only half the battle -- albeit one that has proven difficult to overcome -- in finding a cure for the disease. “This trial clearly demonstrates that disulfiram is non-toxic and is safe to use, and could quite possibly be the game changer we need,” Lewin said"


Senior Member


we have made money off millions of sick people for years so now that we successfulling made this massive sum of money we will start releasing the drugs that will lead to the cure that we have know about for years but we really hadn't made enough money yet....so are we good to start dropping the crums...all in favor "I"



OMG over 17 million plus people suffer from this up to 2.5 million in the US alone.....wow thats lots..how did we miss this...oh some guy wrote this study that these people were just lazy and they should just go pay a psych...hmm...so whaT do the studies say now??? ....ahh well it affects every bodily system and is connected to like 15 other comorbidities....well thats not good so what should we do then????....well we lose billions per year in unemployment cause of it and insurance does spend a lot on those that have it...but most dont get diagnosed cause we never taught about it in school nor do we fund it....well what happens to the people...well they get sick and most of them stay inside talking on online forums....well i guess its a good thing cause if we had to treat these people it would cost alot of money in research, testing and treatment....well this seems like a complex problem and do we really want to lose a lot of money up front, plus losing a few billion is less than what it would cost to fix????...yeah so make sense the vote is we'll just let them talk on there forums for a couple more years while we try to solve AIDs and other disease cause they wont die yet....

Sorry for the Rant just getting out their....i dont mean to offend anyone but beuracrcy, politics, greed and power is what results in all this BS.


wiggle jiggle
the whole pathogen shit may create bursitis in the body.
these are small bags, which can pop up pretty much everywhere, i understand, filled with inflammatory material.
particularly where skin is close to the bone, they may develop, e.g. gums.
something similar to biofilm and perhaps even more difficult to breach.

perhaps a predisposition to build such bursitis-bags could depend on endothelial functioning (genetics).

then you may be lost.
neither your own immune system nor regular abx may be able to break those bags?
pathogens may be active (no need to reactivate them), and remain unharmed within these small sub-zones inside the body.
there is no treatment for bursitis.

one thing is clear.
there is no much sense in taking venous blood.
if bursitis bags can be located and fluid taken from them, it should be much better for diagnosis?

question: how do bursitis bags develop ?
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