Romney Vows to Fight the 'Epidemic' of Lyme Disease in Virginia


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Apparently Romney is sending out mailers in northern Virginia regarding his position on Lyme Disease. This article by the Weekly Standard (which has pictures of the mailer) gives the most concise description I could find:

Campaign Mailer: Romney Vows to Fight the 'Epidemic' of Lyme Disease in Virginia

Here's part of the text in the mailer:
It's a disease that begins from a small bug...

But Lyme Disease has quickly become the most common vector-borne disease in the United States, devastating our families and our pets.

It's a serious problem - that demands immediate attention.

As president, Mitt Romney will ensure that real action is taken to get control of this epidemic that is wreaking havoc on Northern Virginians.

Ensure that government agencies have an open line of communication and work with patients, researchers, doctors, and businesses in an objective, comprehensive manner.

Work with federal and state health agencies to support Lyme Disease awareness efforts to help prevent further spread of the disease.

Encourage increased options for the treatment of Lyme Disease and provide local physicians with protection from lawsuits to ensure they can treat the disease with the aggressive antibiotics that are required.
I found this on another site:
Romney has, over the last few months, actually made Lyme disease—the bacterial disease transmitted to humans from deer ticks—part of his pitch to suburban Virginia voters. It started back in August, when he sent a public letter (paid for by the campaign) to Rep. Frank Wolf (R-Va.) commending him for his push to create a "Tick-Borne Diseases Advisory Committee." "More needs to be done," Romney wrote. "As president, I will work to ensure that more attention is focused on this important issue ... We need to ensure that all scientific viewpoints concerning this illness can be heard."

Given that I have a diagnosis of Lyme Disease, I found this pretty interesting. Can't help but think that since Lyme is at least somewhat connected with ME/CFS, any increased attention on it is a good thing.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Here's an article on the Lyme Disease Association Website:

Mitt Romney Supports Lyme Focus
Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney sent a letter to Congressman Christopher H. Smith (NJ) and Frank Wolf (VA) applauding their work “to bring attention to the need to address Lyme disease,…indicating he has “seen, as governor of Massachusetts, its devastating impact as it has spread from throughout New England and the Mid-Atlantic, including states such as New Jersey, New York, and Virginia.”

The letter indicates as president, he would work to ensure that government agencies work with patients, researchers, and doctors, to ensure all scientific viewpoints are heard. That appears to be a reference to a Tick-Borne Diseases Advisory Committee that is contained within HR 2557, a bill introduced by Congressman Smith and co-sponsored by Congressman Wolfe. (Click here for information on the Lyme Bill) That committee has been a focus of past bills also introduced by Mr. Smith and supported by Mr. Wolf.

Congressman Smith also recently called for support for such a committee at the July 17, 2012 hearing in the Africa, Global Health and Human Rights Subcommittee hearing in Washington, DC, where the global implications of Lyme were also presented. Mr. Wolf was present at that hearing. Click here to view DC Lyme Hearing

Smith and Wolfe have partnered on several Lyme initiatives including the passage of language on chronic Lyme and funding in the 2010 HHS Appropriations bill and other activities related to Lyme patients getting diagnosed and treated and Lyme research funding.


Southern USA
It is connected with Dysautonomia for a LOT of people. CFS too I am sure. That is great news!

His family certainly has dealt with illness for years. He does understand it.
I figured somebody would find a way to use this to bash CFS/FM sufferers too. It didn't take too long., which I usually like, has an article where a non-medical reporter writes that Romney's Lyme Disease epidemic statement is quackery. She says it's part of the "waste basket" collection of Lyme/CFS/FM/MCS diseases that is actually depression.

As scientific proof, the author says her best friend claimed to have Lyme disease syndrome, and eventually committed suicide. Poor thing only had depression. If she had only realized the brilliance of the author in time. The author does quickly comment that she had a lot of real symptoms too. But those were probably manifestations of Lyme too. My medical assessment of the author is that she has dfc condition.

I'm not going to vote for Romney, but I think he is actually a good and decent human being, and he probably cares about Lyme syndrome because his wife has MS. I know Utah is kind of a hotbed for MS, fibromyalgia, etc, so that might also be where he gets his awareness.