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Registration for December 10 -11, 2013 CFSAC Mtg - Webinar


Senior Member
Registration is now open for the December CFSAC Meeting. This meeting will be held as a webinar and you are required to register for the meeting if you want to watch online and/or provide public comment by phone, in writing, or by prerecorded video - comments must be filed by 11/29/2014. Only 500 participants will be allowed to register for this meeting.

The December 10-11, 2013 CFSAC meeting is now posted in the Federal register. Please see the link below for additional information.


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Senior Member
Urgent Request for Information

Does anyone know what time today (November 29th) is the latest I can upload video for public testimony at the December CFSAC meeting?

I am up to my eyeballs in alligators these days and I just realized that the deadline for public comment is today. I don't believe the notice included a specific time other than saying November 29th. I live in California and would argue that I should get at least until midnight tonight (PST) or technically I think the deadline should extend to Hawaiian time (because I just may need to fly there tonight to get in out of the cold). ;)

Yes, I am doing this very last minute. But this is no thanks to the federal government who has given such a short turn around time for cognitively challenged and ill patients to get their two cents in to try to "participate" in this "meeting". :( :mad: I am sure they must be violating all kinds of disabilities rules and regulations or at the very least not playing very fair with this patient population! :eek:
