Reactivate transsulfuration pathway with Salvianolic Acid A - Has this been tried?

Hi All, new to all this so apologies if this is covering old ground!

I'm curious to know whether if anyone has previously tried Salvianolic acid A (SAL A) being used to restore the Transsulfuration pathway?

It seems to be readily available as Danshen (Red Sage) extract, used in TCM. There seem to be a fair number of studies on the out on the web, but I've had a quick search of this forum but there does not seem to be any material about this.. would be good to hear of experiences with it.


More background here..

It seems logical this would help, except where B6 deficiency is the rate limiter for homocysteine->cystathione->cysteine... reference methylation/transsulfuration diagram:

-SAL A (Damsen) upregulates cystathionine β-synthase and cystathionine γ-lyase..
-This Lowers Homocysteine, Increases Cysteine..
- Increases Glutathione downstream, in turn protects B12 etc. in Methylation cycle

Comments and discussion welcome!

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Senior Member
Would this be useful to me with my 23andme profile (in my signature)?
I am having some success with Adeno B12, Hydroxo. Wonder if SAL A might help also?
Apologies Bansaw I'm very new to this and not qualified to answer, and haven't checked any safety/side effects or dosage of putting this into practice yet (please see it as theoretical for now).. really interested to see input from other members on it though.

A lot of supplements etc seem to be aimed at bolstering Glutathione at various stages of formation in the transsulfuration cycle, but it seems to me this is ultimately propping up a broken system.

An example if I take NAC to boost Glutathione I'll feel better initially then seem to get negative effects , likely because I'm 'cheating' the system: not using any homocysteine up forming it, and not getting Cystathione into the krebs cycle either unbalances the other areas so gains are short lived

Thinking this may be a way to fix the system instead of propping it up.
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Senior Member
Thanks. I actually have a doc that knows a lot about Methylation. She's even written a book about it. However, even the "experts" acknowledge that this is a new field of medicine and they are "experimenting" really.
As you can see from my 23andme and Methylation analysis (in my sig), my MTRR needs a ton of support, as does my testosterone etc.


Senior Member
Roostr thanks for this post. Despite following Freddd's protocol, my serum folate is still way high, indicating bad absorption into the brain still? I also take NAC and Undenatured whey for glutathione. Thank you for bringing this to my attention, I have ordered some danshen and guinea pig it. Sorry I don't have much to say about the science, today is rather foggy in my brain.
Roostr thanks for this post. Despite following Freddd's protocol, my serum folate is still way high, indicating bad absorption into the brain still? I also take NAC and Undenatured whey for glutathione. Thank you for bringing this to my attention, I have ordered some danshen and guinea pig it. Sorry I don't have much to say about the science, today is rather foggy in my brain.

Thanks Eljefe19 ..

I'm not familiar with Freddd's protocol yet but will read up. Which supps did you get? I was hoping there's a Salvianolic Acid A supp available as I guess quantity of it varies in Danshen - not found one yet so might get Danshen too once I've checked safety, dosage, side effects etc (I'm in no way medically trained so hope you will too!)

If the theory is sound, but SAL A doesn't work, then Serine deficiency could be a culprit too (it would have the same impact of slowing Transsulfuration at thr Homocysteine -> Cystathionine stage ..

After Salvianolic Acid A maybe L-Serine would be a next step in the process of elimination.

Stay safe and would be great to hear how you get on.


Senior Member
@Roostr I was looking at the chart you post last night, and noticed that possibly L-Serine could be supplemented, but like you I'm in no way medically trained. I wish we could get some of the smarter posters to post on this one. @Hip @halcyon anything on this one??