Reactions to ALA?


Senior Member
Can ALA cause any reactions? Should people like us start on lower doses? What dose? I had been taking ALA and felt good after taking it but then later that day dizzy. I don't know if it was from that, but at the time thought it could be.... I hear it can be a precursor to gluthathione so I do want to take it but don't know if it can cause problems as well.
What is your dosage & timing? Did you take the 4 essential supplements + ACE to support your adrenals? Got reaction means got heavy metal toxicity so need to get the heavy metals out.
Hair Mineral Element Test only if you want to have a baseline comparison after a period of chelation, as your dizziness already showed heavy metals reaction in your body from ALA.

Need to follow chelation protocol based on ALA half life to avoid bad dumping phase. Can guide you if you want to follow through.


Senior Member
Need to follow chelation protocol based on ALA half life to avoid bad dumping phase. Can guide you if you want to follow through.

Do I need to do something special? I looked up and read how mercury can stay in the brain possibly from ala....
ALA is the only chelator to bring Mercury out of the brain! You start to have food intolerances when your gut couldn't cope with high Mercury amount from your amalgams/vaccine etc and that's when your body in order to protect you, will store Mercury in your fats especially brain, breasts, glands etc & you get more sick.

Nothing special, just remove all your amalgams, adjust some daily supplements & take ALA at regular intervals 3 days on, 4 days off will do & you'll feel better after each round.
Heavy toxic metals severely mess up body functions that make you struggle to cope daily. When ALA started to pull out heavy metals sequested deep inside your brain/organs/glands which you accumulated through the years, your poor body struggles but couldn't cope that's why fatigue. Dumping effect can be managed easily through appropriate protocol.

No, ALA main function is to lower heavy toxic metals in your body.