re-experiencing initial symptoms

hmnr asg

Senior Member
Hi folks,
I wanted to ask a question about something weird that has been happening to me lately.
Just a brief mention of my CFS story. It started 4 years ago with SEVERE bloating for a month. This then led to IBS like symptoms, multiple bowel movements in a day, nausea ...
After 2 months with the GI issues one day in hot yoga I crashed. This was my first crash and it changed me forever. Since then I have been a mess. I sleep 10 hours and I fight to stay awake. I am half sleep all the time, i forget everything etc
However, my symptoms stabilized after about 8 months. The GI tract went back to normal and the nausea went away and the weight i had lost (almost 30% of my total body weight) came back. What stayed behind however was the CFS symptoms of fatigue and mental fog. I was still sleeping 10 hours and struggling to stay awake, but now symptoms had quieted down and life was better.

Fast forward 4 years later, I am now re-experiencing all the initial symptoms. I am so bloated I look like a balloon. IBS is making me stay in the bathroom all day. Fatigue has not changed though (yet).

I guess what I am wondering is, what does this all mean? am i in for a serious crash thats going to make me much worse? have you ever re-experienced your initial CFS symptoms which might have been the triggers?

This is a very pivotal point in my life and I am very scared. If anyone can offer some ideas I would be very grateful.

thank you



Senior Member
Hi again, hmnr,

Very familiar waxing and waning pattern. I do think when the pattern is broken it is because individual symptoms have been addressed, not sure how far into that you are. It acts circular. If you do not do it in the right order, or close to reverse order how it came on, it can be hard to get a handle on it. It seems most symptoms go back to the gut, which really goes back to the brain, which really might go back to a viral infection, which might go back to the gut... and on it goes. I know initial symptoms have come and gone for me in a few cycles now, maybe not as severely as time goes on and I am trying new things.

I don't think your symptoms necessarily mean you are in for worse. Sometimes it's just that piece of the puzzle making itself known in very unwelcome ways.

Glad to see you on here! Hope to visit more.

hmnr asg

Senior Member
hi Gracie,
thanks for your reply. I hope its a waxing and waning rather than just waxing :D


hmnr asg

Senior Member
thank you GG, I have been a member for a while. I have not left any messages all these years because the threads are often so technical you need a PhD in biochemistry to understand them. But I had to ask this due to serious concerns. In the meantime if anyone has any cure for MASSIVE bloating please help me out. If i get any more bloated im going to float away with the wind. I have not slept in days due to this bloating.



Senior Member
In the meantime if anyone has any cure for MASSIVE bloating please help me out. If i get any more bloated im going to float away with the wind. I have not slept in days due to this bloating.
Is it your entire body? If so, new food sensitivities can cause that (I speak from personal experience). A food elimination diet can help, or getting tested.

hmnr asg

Senior Member
Its not my whole body , its just my stomach. Its totally a GI related thing. One thing that seems to be helping me is N.A.G. and metamucil. Today I was able to have a BM so its a bit better.
