Rapid thought process and body tremors or like, low level vibrating?

Does anyone get these?

It's utterly neurological, not anything psychological. My thought process goes way to fast constantly like something is reaking havoc on my brain. And even sitting, I feel pulsing and cursing through my body, my veins. It's like I am always trembling. Like a low hum. That started in July, quietened but not gone 100% and now it's just strong strong almost like at the beginning.

I am on day 9 of doxy and I read that if things get strong it's a good sign in that bacteria is dying off. I'm using Dr. Garth Nicolson's protocol. But holy smokes. I get up at night and the visual fog is so thick. I feel sick. My cognitive is a mess. It just really hit my brain. :(



I think our situations are pretty different but I have had tremors at night. I have them in response to the active B12 protocol I'm on and I think they are part of some kind of healing. I will be half asleep and it feels like maybe an earthquake's happening, then I have to wake up and take stock of my surroundings to tell that it isn't. I dreamt lately that I was in an earthquake and I'm pretty certain it was tremor while I slept.

It sounds like you are on lyme medication though. So I do think others have the things you speak of, but I would check with whoever is administering your medication as well, since it might be something of concern.


senior member
Concord, NH
From reading your descriptions, you made me think of electricity. I was thinking have you thought of grounding?

Hey L'engle, I'm on doxy for mycoplasmas and coinfections. I'm following Dr. Nicolson's protocol. I had saline implants explanted and I got CFS symptoms from them and further research took me to many women getting auto immune and CFS, fibro, lupus, from the bacteria around the implants if they have no toxicity. My vibrations started 3 months before explant. So the symptoms mimic lyme.

Oh well, I've read some have it but perhaps it's more of a "if bacteria is the cause" kind of thing like mine. Thankyou for coming by. Yeah, the tremors you're describing aren't it. Not that those are any fun either. It doesn't feel like an earthquake or anything happening around me. It's in me. Like a constant like pulse and vibration 24/7. I can feel it while I sit and type even. It's like feeling things traveling through my veins with something. And sick. Oh well. I hope you start to heal and feel better.


Hey L'engle, I'm on doxy for mycoplasmas and coinfections. I'm following Dr. Nicolson's protocol. I had saline implants explanted and I got CFS symptoms from them and further research took me to many women getting auto immune and CFS, fibro, lupus, from the bacteria around the implants if they have no toxicity. My vibrations started 3 months before explant. So the symptoms mimic lyme.

Oh well, I've read some have it but perhaps it's more of a "if bacteria is the cause" kind of thing like mine. Thankyou for coming by. Yeah, the tremors you're describing aren't it. Not that those are any fun either. It doesn't feel like an earthquake or anything happening around me. It's in me. Like a constant like pulse and vibration 24/7. I can feel it while I sit and type even. It's like feeling things traveling through my veins with something. And sick. Oh well. I hope you start to heal and feel better.

Thanks for your concern. :) Mine aren't that bad and only occasional and seem to be a by product of some helpful supplements.

I hope you can feel better too!
From reading your descriptions, you made me think of electricity. I was thinking have you thought of grounding?

Hey you!! I just saw you, I'd missed you. No, it's not grounding as in electricity. These types of tremor are actually not uncommon for people with chronic bacteria infections believe it or not. I mean, it's obvious that it's in you and not from an exterior force. When I got hit with the strong symptoms July 3 months before explant at I started to twitch. It was dying down until I started the antibiotic. Normal, just the herxheimer I've been told. Sweats came back, more flu ish though that's steady anyway. Cog bad, visual bad. Many things nuero got stronger. But it should subside in a few weeks and I'll update. I will say, my bone pain is down, though still lots of other stuff, but that's a start. Knee joints still bad but I have no joint pain in thumb, or right bottom foot, or forearm. That's a first!

I like your quotes.

Hey L'engle, thanks you. And I hope you both feel better too! xo


senior member
Concord, NH
Hey you!! I just saw you, I'd missed you. No, it's not grounding as in electricity. These types of tremor are actually not uncommon for people with chronic bacteria infections believe it or not. I mean, it's obvious that it's in you and not from an exterior force. When I got hit with the strong symptoms July 3 months before explant at I started to twitch. It was dying down until I started the antibiotic. Normal, just the herxheimer I've been told. Sweats came back, more flu ish though that's steady anyway. Cog bad, visual bad. Many things nuero got stronger. But it should subside in a few weeks and I'll update. I will say, my bone pain is down, though still lots of other stuff, but that's a start. Knee joints still bad but I have no joint pain in thumb, or right bottom foot, or forearm. That's a first!

I like your quotes.

Hey L'engle, thanks you. And I hope you both feel better too! xo

Thanks. Are your sweats during the day or night? I used to have night sweats, they seemed to stop a few years ago, been ill 9 years. I have been LDN and high doses of Vitamin D for the last few years, along with other therapies and have been feeling better!



Senior Member
It's utterly neurological, not anything psychological. My thought process goes way to fast constantly like something is reaking havoc on my brain. And even sitting, I feel pulsing and cursing through my body, my veins. It's like I am always trembling. Like a low hum. That started in July, quietened but not gone 100% and now it's just strong strong almost like at the beginning.

My brain would be running at high speed prior to starting NAC, probably due to elevated glutamate. But I also had sleeping problems associated with that, in that I'd wake up due to pain or whatever, and then couldn't fall asleep again due to my brain running in circles.

I get a thrumming sensation periodically, without any obvious cause. Last night it was one foot/lower leg thrumming, then this morning it was the other leg. But for me it's episodic, not continuous.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
I found Rivotril (Klonopin) to be of help for the racing thoughts I used to get. It helps slow down over active nervous system.

My body tremors were rhymthic myclonus as in my case ended up becoming very noticable constantly for weeks when I crashed bad.